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Prechallenge English

C2 WK 1- 8 parts of speech noun, pronoun, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, interjections, preposition, and adjectives.
C2 WK 17- noun a noun names a person, place, thing, activity, or idea.
C2 WK18- five kinds of nouns usages subject, direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition, possessive.
C2 WK 2- pronoun a pronoun replaces a noun in order to avoid repetition.
C2 WK 19- gerund a gerund is a present participle verb form used as a noun.
C2 WK 20- appositive an appositive is a noun (or a pronoun) directly beside another noun that explains or identifies it.
C2 WK3- pronoun order 1st person singular 2nd person singular 3rd person singular 1st person plural 2nd person plural 3rd person plural.
C2 WK 4- Nominative pronouns I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they
C2 WK 5- Objective pronouns me, you, him/her/it, us, you, them
C2 WK 6- possessive pronouns mine, yours, his/hers, ours, yours, theirs
C2 WK 8- reflexive pronouns myself, yourself, himself/ herself/ itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
C2 WK 9- interrogative pronouns who, whom, whose, which, what
C2 WK 10- demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those
C2 WK 11- indefinite pronouns (all- either) all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both each either
C2 WK 12- indefinite pronouns #2- (everybody- neither) everybody, everyone, few, many, more, most, neither
C2 WK 13- indefinite pronouns #3 (nobody-such) nobody, none, one, other, several, some. Somebody, such
C2 WK 16- Verb a verb is a word that asserts an action, shows a state of being, links two words together, or helps another word.
C3 WK 4- Verb principal parts Infinitive, Present, Past, Present Participle, Past Participle.
C3 WK 1-an infinitive An infinitive is “to” plus a verb used as a noun, adjective, or adverb.
C3 WK 2- Present Participle A present participle is a verb plus “ing” used as an adjective or a verb.
C3 WK 3- Past Participle A past participle is a verb plus “ed” used as an adjective or a verb.
C3 WK 5-To be To be, am/are/is, was/were, being, been
C3 WK 6- To do to do, do/does, did, doing, done
C3 WK 7-To rise To rise, rise(s), rose, rising, risen
C3 WK 8- To raise: To raise: To raise, raise(s), raised, raising, raised
C3 WK 9- To lay: To lay, lay(s), laid, laying, lain
C3 WK 10- To lie: To lie, lie(s), lay, lying, lain
C3 WK 11- To set: To set, set(s), set, setting, set
C3 WK 12- To sit: To sit, sit(s), sat, sitting, sat
C3 WK 13- To beat: To beat, beat(s), beat, beating, beat
C3 WK 14- To break: To break, break(s), broke, breaking, broken
C3 WK 15-To write: To write, write(s), wrote, writing, written
C3 WK 16- To shake: To shake, shake(s), shook, shaking, shaken
C3 WK 17-To go: To go, go/goes, went, going, gone
C1 WK 13- A helping verb: Helps another verb assert an action, being, or existence
C1 WK 14- Helping verbs #1: do, does, did
C1 WK 15- Helping verbs #2: has, have, had
C1 WK 16- Helping verbs #3: am, are, is
C1 WK 17- Helping verbs #4: was, were, being, been
C1 WK 18- Helping verbs #5: may, must, might
C1 WK 19- Helping verbs #6: Should, could, would
C1 WK 20- Helping verbs #7: Shall, Will, Can
C1 WK 21- Linking verb: A Linking Verb makes an assertion by joining two words
C1 WK 22- Linking verb #1: Feel, Become, Remain, Taste
C1 WK 23- Linking verb #2: Seem, Appear, Look, Sound
C1 WK 24- Linking verb #3: Stay, Smell, Grow, Be
C1 WK 1- A preposition: A preposition relates a noun or a pronoun to another word
C1 WK 2- About, Above Across, After, Against
C1 WK 3- Along, Amid, Among, Around, At, Atop
C1 WK 4- Before, Behind, Below, Beneath, Beside
C1 WK 5- Between, Beyond, But, By, Concerning
C1 WK 6- Down, During, Except, For, From
C1 WK 7- In, Inside, Into, Like, Near
C1 WK 8- Of, Off, On, Onto, Out
C1 WK 9- Outside, Over, Past, Regarding, Since
C1 WK 10- Through, Throughout, To, Toward
C1 WK 11- Under, Underneath, Until, Up, Upon
C1 WK 12- With, Within, Without
C2 WK 14- Adverb: An adverb modifies a verb. Adjective, or another Adverb
C2 WK 15- Four Purposes of Sentences: Declarative, Exclamatory, Interrogative, Imperative
C2 WK 7-Possessive Adjectives my, your, his/her/its, our, your, their
C2 WK 21- Conjunction: A Conjunction is a word used to connect words, phrases, or clauses together.
C2 WK 22- Coordinating Conjunctions: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
C2 WK 23- Adjective: An Adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing qualifying or limiting
C2 WK 24- Interjection: An Interjection is a word or a phrase used as a strong expression of feeling or emotion
C3 WK 18- Subject the subject is that part of a sentence about which something is being said
C3 WK 19- Predicate: the predicate is that part of a sentence that says something about the subject
C3 WK 20- Phrase/Clause a phrase is a group of words that does not contain both a subject and a verb and may be used as a singular part of speech a clause is a group of words that does contain both a subject and a verb.
C3 WK 21- Independent Clause an independent clause expresses a complete thought like a sentence
C3 WK 22- Subordinate Clause a subordinate clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone ( also known as a dependent clause)
C3 WK 23- Four sentence structures Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound Complex
C3 WK 24- Seven Sentence Patterns s/vi s/vt/do s/vl/pn s/vl/pa s/vt/io/do s/vt/do/ocn s/vt/do/oca
Created by: CHAClarksville
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