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Integumentary System


An oily secretion that helps waterproof body surface sebum
Outermost layer of epidermis stratum corneum
becomes active at puberty apocrine sweat gland
epidermal pigment melanin
inner layer of skin dermis
responds to elevated body temperature eccrine sweat gland
general name for entire superficial layer of the skin epidermis
gland that secretes an oily substance sebaceous gland
hard protein of nails and hair keratin
cell division and deepest layer of epidermis stratum basale
tubelike part that contains the root of the hair hair follicle
causes hair to stand erect and goose bumps to appear arrector pili muscle
the epidermis is made of stratified squamous epithelium
the dermis consists of irregular dense connective tissue
the subcutaneous layer is composed of adipose and areolar connective tissues
Functions as heat insulator beneath skin adipose tissue
contains large amounts of fluid and lacks fibers blood
cells arranged around central canal compact bone
binds skin to underlying organs areolar tissue
main tissue of tendons and ligaments regular dense connective
provides stored energy supply in fat vacuoles adipose tissue
forms the flexible part of the nasal septum hyaline cartilage
cells greatly enlarged with nuclei pushed to sides adipose tissue
forms delicate, thin layers between muscles areolar tissue
coordinates, regulates, and integrates body functions nervous tissue
contains intercalculated discs cardiac muscle
muscle that lacks striations smooth muscle
striated and involuntary cardiac muscle
striated and voluntary skeletal muscle
contains neurons and neuroglial cells nervous tissue
muscle attached to bones skeletal muscle
muscle that composes heart cardiac muscle
moves food through the digestive tract smooth muscle
transmits impulses along cellular processes nervous tissue
Created by: dmulcahy
Popular Anatomy sets




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