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An indicator of Hydrogen ion (H+)concentration in plasma... Plasma PH
Plasma PH normal range is... 7.35-7.45
Homeostatic mechanisms to keep PH balanced... Buffer system, lungs, kidneys
Lower PH is... Acidic
Higher PH is... Alkaline
PH level of plasma compatible with life is... 6.8-7.8
Body's major extracellular buffer system... Bicarbonate (HCO3-)-carbonic acid (H2CO3) buffer system
Bicarbonate (HCO3-) to carbonic acid (H2CO3) ratio 20:1
Kidneys control extracellular fluid PH by ... Regulating bicarbonate levels
Kidneys regenerate and reabsorb bicarbonate ions in the ... Renal tubular cells
Kidneys excrete hydrogen ions and conserve bicarbonate ions to restore balance in what conditions? Respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis
Kidneys retain hydrogen ions and excrete bicarbonate ions to restore balance in what conditions? Respiratory alkalosis ans metabolic alkalosis
CO2 is controlled by... The lungs
Extracellular fluid carbonic acid content is controlled by... CO2 levels
PaCO2 Partial Pressure of CO2
PaO2 Partial pressure of oxygen
CO2 levels in the blood regulate... respiration rate
What happens to RR in metabolic acidosis? RR increases
Increased respirations eliminate what? CO2, reducing the acid load
Decreased respirations cause what? Retention of CO2, increasing the acid load
Respiratory buffer systems controls... carbonic acid
Renal Buffer System controls... bicarbonate
How long does it take the respiratory buffer system to activate? several minutes
How long does it take the renal buffer system to activate? Up to 2 days
PaCO2b level 35-45 mm Hg
HCO3 22-26 mEq/L
Causes of respiratory acidosis COPD, Pulmonary edema, airway obstruction, drug overdose
Respiratory acidosis is an excess of... carbonic acid
S/S of Respiratory acidosis SOB, H/A, drowsiness, restlessness, fatigue, confusion, lethargy, coma
Treatment of respiratory acidosis Correct underlying condition, brochdilator, supplemental O2
Respiratory alkalosis is a deficit of... carbonic acid
Primary cause of respiratory alkalosis Hyperventilation
S/S of respiratory alkalosis Dizziness, lightheadedness, agitation, tingling around mouth, fingers, and hands, tetany, convulsion, coma
Treatment of respiratory alkalosis Correct the underlying problem, slow deep breaths, breath in a paper bag
Meatbolic acidosis is a deficit of... bicarbonate
Bicarbonate in the systems functions to... neutralize the effects of acid
Causes of metabolic acidosis... Diarrhea, vomiting, starvation, drug overdose, diabetic ketoacidosis, renal failure
S/S of metabolic acidosis H/A, lack of energy, sleepiness, dehydration, fruity breath, diarrhea, disorientation, stupor, coma
Treatment of metabolic acidosis Correct the underlying problem, administer fluids, administer insulin, control, N/V
Metabolic alkalosis is an excess of Bicarbonate
Causes of metabolic alkalosis loss of stomach acid through suctioning or vomiting, diarrhea, overuse of antacids or laxatives
S/S of metabolic alkalosis decreased respiratory rate, apnea, cyanosis, diarrhea, N/V, convulsions, coma
Treatment of metabolic alkalosis Correct the imbalance, administer fluids
Respiratory acidosis pH levels... lower than 7.35
Respiratory acidosis CO2 levels... greater than 29 mmol/L
Respiratory acidosis HCO3 levels...
PACU discharge criteria stable V/S, orientation x4, uncompromised pulmonary function, adequate 02 levels, urine output of at least 30ml/hr, N/V under control, minimal pain
Pacu complication hypotension and shock.. Mainly treated with volume replacement
PACU complication Hemorrhage... treated with blood or blood product transfusion and determining source of hemorrhage
PACU complications hypertension and dysrhythmias... Treat underlying causes:electrolyte imbalance, altered respirations, pain, hypothermia, stress, anesthasia
PACU complication pain and anxiety... opioid analgesics are administered
PACU complications N/V Intervene at the nausea stage, give meds
Aldrete Score... PACU pts scores on activity, respirations, circulation, consciousness, 02 sat
PACU nurse primary objective... maintain airway
Characteristics of type 1 diabetes... Onset before 30 y/o, wt loss, ketoacidosis, hyperglycemia, islet cell antibodies, insulin antibodies, no endogenous insulin, insulin dependent
Charateristics of type 2 diabetes... onset over 30 y/o, obesity, decreased edogenous insulin or increased insulin resistance, may be controlled with wt loss and exercise, oral antidiabetics
S/S of hyperglycemic diabetes mellitus... the 3 P's, polyuria, polydipsia, poyphagia
Diagnostic findings for diabetes mellitus Fasting glucose greater than 120, random glucose greater than 200,
Diabetes mangement components... Diet, exercise, monitoring, medication, education
Type 2 diabetes nutritional goal... reversal of hyperglycemia
Type 2 diabetes exercise goal... wt loss
Conventional insulin regimen One or more injections of a mixture of short and intermediate acting insulins per day.
Intensive insulin regimen... three or four injections of insulin per day
S/S of hypoglycemia sweating, tachycardia, palpitaions, nervousness, hunger, inability to concentrate, combativeness, double vision, numbness of lips and tongue, slurred speech, drowsiness
Management of hypoglycemia 15g of fast acting carbs such a s glucose tablets, juice or soda, hard candies, sugar or honey
S/S of diabetic ketoacidosis Hyperglycemia, dehydration and electrolyte loss, acidosis
Management of DKA Reverse hperglycemia, rehydrate, restore electrolytes
HHNS Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome
S/S of HHNS Hypotesion, dehydration, tachycardia, change in neurological signs
Management of HHNS fluid replacement, restore electrolytes, insulin administration
Diabetic macrovascular manifestations MI, CAD, cerebrovascular disease, PVD
Diabetic Macrovascular complication management weight management, hypertension control, hyperlipidemai control
Diabetic microvascular complications diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy
Management of diabetic nephropathy... control hypertension, prevent UTI, avoid nephrotoxic substances, adjust medications, low sodium low protein diet
Tunneled central venous catheters Long term use (years), Hickman, groshong, permacath, Surgically inserted
Nontunneled Central catheters Short term use (less than 6 weeks), vas cath, arrow, hohn
Implanted ports Port a cath, mediport, Hickman port, PAS Port, use Huber tipped needles
PICC Line Peripherall inserted central catheters
Care of CVC sterile dressing change, change caps weekly, observe for redness, swelling, drainage, clamp line when not in use, maintain sterility when changin fluids
Complications of CVC air embolism, arfteial laceration, catheter embolism, malposition, pneumo or hemo thorax, infection, sepsis, thrombosis, migration or dislodgement
Vein selection soft, full, long distal veins first, proximal to bruising, avoid flexion areas
Replace peripheral IV tubing how often? 72-96 hours
Why is the order of a blood draw important? to avoid inaccurate and inconsistent results caused by contamination of the sample additives in different types og tubes.
Blood draw order... stop, red light, stay put, green light, goSTERILE, RED, LIGHT BLUE, SST, PST, GREEN, LAVENDER, GRAY
Created by: janelloyd
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