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Anthro 1010-Vocab

Chapter 2

Culture The set of learned behaviors and ideas (including beliefs, attitudes, values, and ideals) that are characteristic of a particular society or other social group
Society A group of people who occupy a particular territory and speak a common language not generally understood by neighboring peoples. By this definition, societies do not necessarily correspond to countries
Subcluture The shared customs of a subgroup within a society
Norms Standards or rules about what is acceptable behavior.
Ethnocentric Refers to judgment of other cultures solely in terms of one's own culture
Ethnocentrism The attitude that other societies customs and ideas can be judged un the context of one's own culture
Cultural relativism The attitude that a society's customs and ideas should be viewed within the context of that society's problems and opportunities.
Maladaptive Customs Cultural traits that diminish the chances of survival and reproduction in a particular environment
Adaptive customs Cultural traits that enhance survival and reproductive success in a particular environment
Diffusion The process by which cultural elements are borrowed from another society and incorporated into the culture of the recipient group.
Acculturation The process of extensive borrowing of aspects of culture in the context of superordinate-subordinate relations between societies; usually occurs as the result of external pressure.
Revolution A usually violent replacement of a society's rulers
Globalization The ongoing spread of goods, people, information, and capital around the world.
Ethnogenesis Creation of a new culture
Created by: Sejsarah
Popular Anthropology sets




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