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Final A&P Test

Stack #199594

What does the hormone cortisol regulate? Carbohydrates
What does the hormone oxytocin do? stimulates uterine contractions and releases milk
What is the Master Gland Pituitary gland
where is bile produced? Liver
where is bile stored? gallbladder
where are sperm produced? testes
what are the three layer of skin? epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous or hypodermis
What part of your brain controls judgment and memory? cerebrum
what is distal? farther away from appendage attachment
what is proximal? closer to appendage attachment
what is a ball and socket joint? Synovial joint
give an exsample of a synovial joint? pelvis to femur
sensory neurons transmit from sensory receptors to central nervous system
what does the brainstem control? respiration, heart rate, temperature, and blood pressure
what blood type is the universal donor? O
what is the name of the outer layer of the kidney? cortex
give the order of the arm bones from the most proximal? and for arm which bone is on the thumb side humerus, radius (thumb side), ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
Give the chambers of the heart? left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle, right ventricle.
where is the aorta? in the middle of the heart
where is the tricuspid valve? on the right side of the heart
where is the bicuspid valve? on the left side of the heart
where is the superior vena cava on the right side of the heart leading in
name the bones of the leg from the most proximal and when you get to the shin name which one is smaller? ischium, Femur, patella, fibula (smaller), tibia,
apnea without breath
a- or an- without
-pnea breathing
arteries vessles that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to cells and tissue
axillary lymph nodes located in the underarm or armpit
brady- slow
cardi/o heart
capillaries the vessles that blood interchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide
cornea anterior part of the sclera allows light to enter the interior of the eye. Bends and refracts the light rays
dys- painful or difficult
dyspnea difficult breathing
enter/o small intestine
-itis inflammation
epiglottis slip of tissue that covers up so that food doesn't go down the windpipe
fibula small bone in the leg
gravida pregnancy
hyperglycemia too much sugar in the blood
hypoglycemia too little sugar in the blood
humerus largest bone in the body located in the leg
incontinence loss of muscle control that causes leakage of urine
mandible lower jaw
multigravida multiple pregnancy
multipara multiple birth
-para birth
olfactory nerve transports impulses of sense of smell
pericardium the sac that surrounds the heart
pulse the contraction and expansion of blood moving through the arteries
sclera outer most layer of the eye referred to as the white of the eye
tachy- fast, rapid
tachycardia rapid heartbeat
tympanic membrane blocks entrance from outer ear to middle ear also called the eardrum
veins transports deoxygenated blood back to the heart
bile produced in the liver stored in the gallbladder. Helps digestion of fats and lipids by breaking them down into smaller parts
insulin produced in the pancreas stimulates the bodies ability to take in glucose from the bloodstream into cells
ile/o ileum
ileitis inflammation of the ileum
endocardium is the inner layer of the heart lining of the heart chambers
myocardium is the thick muscular middle layer of the heart that develops pressure required to pump blood
oxytocin produced in the pituitary posterior lobe stimulates uterine contractions and releases milk into ducts
prolactin stimulates milk production produced in the pituitary anterior lobe
axillary armpit
cervical neck
mediastinal chest
inguinal groin
Created by: Seanmorrone
Popular Medical sets




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