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Anatomy Chapter 24

Growth and Development

begins at the time of conception or fertilization and continues until the birth prenatal stage of development
the science of the development of the offspring before birth embryology
Most often occurs in the outer one-third of the oviduct fertilization
in about 3 days a solid mass of cells is formed morula
when the embryo reaches the uterus, it is a hollow ball of cells blastocyst
during the 10 days from fertilization the blastocyst completes ________ in the uterine lining implantation
"bridge" "anchor" "barrier" placenta
length of pregnancy gestation period
by day 35 of gestation baby heart beat, eyes, limb buds
by month 4 all _______ are complete and in place organs
unspecialized cells that reproduce to form specific lines of specialized cells stem cells
three layers of stem cells develop that embryologist call the __________ primary germ layers
inside layer endoderm
outside layer ectoderm
middle layer mesoderm
study of how the primary germ layers develop into many different kinds of tissues is called _________ histogenesis
the process of birth, or __________, is the point of transition between the prenatal and postnatal periods of life. parturition
A _________ birth is on in which the fetus fails to turn head downward and consequently the feet are born first. breech
cesarean section c-section
period from onset of uterine contractions until dilation of the cervix is complete stage one
period from the time of maximal cervical dilation until the baby exits through the vagina stage two
process of expulsion of the placenta through the vagina stage three
stage one lasts from 6-24 hours
stage two lasts from few minutes- hour
stage three lasts from 15 minutes after birth
same fertilized egg, same genetic code identical twins
two different ova and two different spermatozoa fraternal twins
implantation outside the uterus ectopic pregnancy
most common type of ectopic pregnancy tubal pregnancy
placenta grows to closely to the cervical opening placenta previa
separation of the placenta from the uterine wall, immediate death to fetus abruptio placentae
toxemia of pregnancy, hypertension after the 24th week preeclampsia
loss of an embryo or fetus before the 20th week miscarriage
loss of fetus after 20 weeks stillbirth
birth defects also may be caused by exposure to environmental factors called _______ teratogens
childbed fever, syndrome of postpartum mothers characterized by bacterial infection that progress to septicemia and possibly death puerperal fever
breast inflammation mastitis
begins at birth and lasts until death postnatal period
begins at birth and lasts about 18 months infancy
first 4 weeks of infancy neonatal period
extends from the end of infancy to sexual maturity or puberty childhood
teenage years adolescence
full closure of growth plates adulthood
study of aging gerontology
rare inherited condition in which a person appears to age rapidly progeria
degenerative joint diseases osteoarthritis
loss of memory and other functions of conscious thinking dementia
old eye presbyopia
lens becomes cloudy cataract
increase in pressure within the eye glaucoma
about what percent of taste buds remain in an individual at age 75 40%
leads to blockage of the coronary arteries atherosclerosis
fatty accumulations in blood vessels calcify, hardening the arteries arteriosclerosis
Created by: Blogan
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