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Bcom MBM Year 2 S2

Integrated Marketing Communications

What is Marketing Communication? Marketing communication is a two way exchange of information between a marketer and his/her target market concerning a product offering and persuading buyers to buy so as to achieve financial and non financial goal.
What is Integrated Marketing Communication? IMC is a communication process that entails the planning, creation and integration and implementation of diverse forms of marketing communications that are delivered over time to target audience and prospects.
What is the objective of IMC? The objective is to influence target audience.
What is important in IMC messages? All messages of IMC must be consistent
Name 10 Marketing Communication tools. media Advertising, Personal selling, direct response advertising, place advertising, store signage and POP advertising, trade and consumer oriented promotions, event marketing and sponsorships, publicity, social media, online marketing.
What is advertising? Advertising is all forms of paid non personal communication through the mass media of idea, goods or services by an identified sponsor.
Name the 4 purposes of advertising. To attract attention. To inform the target audience. To persuade the target audience to buy. To remind consumers that the product still exists.
Name the 4 stages of the PLC. Introduction (inform). Growth (persuade). Maturity (remind). Decline.
Name and explain the two types of advertising. 1) Product/competitive advertising: used to create awareness and promote the product. 2) Organisational / institutional advertising: used to promote the company behind the product.
Name the 3 types of product advertising. Pioneering (giving information), Competitive, Comparative: an illegal form of advertising where two products are compared directly.
What is personal selling? This is a person-to-person process by which the seller learns about the prospective buyer’s wants and seeks to satisfy them by offering goods and services.
Name 2 advantages of personal selling. Builds relationships. Direct communication.
Name 1 disadvantage of personal selling. It's expensive.
What is public relations? This is the marketing communication function that evaluates public attitudes , identifies areas within the firm that the public may be interested in and executes a programme of action to earn public understanding and acceptance.
What is publicity? Public information about a firm, its goods and services appearing in the mass media as a news item.
What is sales promotion? A short term tool used to stimulate immediate increase in demand.
Who can sales promotion be aimed at? Final consumers, Trade consumers (wholesalers/ retailers), Employees (sales force / sales reps).
What is sponsorship? Marketing communication activity whereby a sponsor provides financial and other supports to an organisation in return for rights to use the sponsor’s name.
What is direct response marketing? An interactive system of marketing that uses one or more advertising media to effect a measuring response.
Name 2 new media items in the 21st century. Internet, Mobile technology.
Name the 5 key features of IMC. Identify the customer and the prospect first, Use any form of relevant contact or touch point, Speak with a single voice, Build relationships rather than engage in flings, Affect behaviour.
Name the 4 changes in marketing communication practices. Reduced dependency on mass advertising. Increased reliance on highly targeted methods. Heightened demand on suppliers. Increased efforts to assess communications return on investment.
Name 3 obstacles to implementing IMC. Lack of coordination and implementation. Limited variety of skills from service providers. Organisations have the challenge...
Explain "Lack of coordination and implementation" under 3 obstacles to implementing IMC. due to outsourcing marketing communication services to different service provider.
Explain "Limited variety of skills from service providers" under 3 obstacles to implementing IMC. those able to do advertising do not have capacity to do sales promotion.
Explain "Organisations have the challenge..." under 3 obstacles to implementing IMC. Organisations have the challenge to create executive positions responsible for handling all forms of IMC.
Name the 3 elements of the marketing communication decision making process. This consists of a set of fundamental decisions, implementation decisions and programme evaluation.
Name and explain the 4 fundamental marketing communication decisions. Targeting, Positioning, Setting Objectives, Budgeting.
Name and explain the 4 (5?) implementation decisions. Mixing elements, Creating messages, Selecting media, Establishing momentum. (Marketing communications outcomes)
What is Programme evaluation? Programme evaluation is important, this is done by measuring the result of marcom efforts, providing feedback, taking corrective action
Name the 4 measures of communication. Brand awareness, message comprehension, attitudes toward the brand, and purchase intention.
What was the acceptance of new ideas traditionally referred to as and where was the emphasis? it has traditionally been referred to as product adoption, the emphasis here is with respect to specific brands rather than entire product category.
Name the 3 main stages through which an individual becomes an adopter of a new brand. Awareness, trier and repeat classes.
What is Marcom's effort? Marcom’s effort is to move consumers from initial awareness to becoming repeat purchasers. The following tools can be used in both B2C and B2B domains.
Name the 4 determinants of awareness class. Free sample and coupons (B2C). Trade shows and personal selling (B2B). Advertising (B2C and B2B). Distribution (B2C and B2B).
Name the 5 determinants of repeater class. Personal selling (B2B). Advertising (B2C and B2B). Price (B2C and B2B). Distribution (B2C and B2B). Product satisfaction.
Name the 5 brand related characteristics that influence consumers’ attitudes toward new brand. Relative advantage. Compatibility. Complexity. Trialability. Observability.
Name the 3 forms relative advantage could be in. Better performance. Saving time and efforts. Immediate reward i.e. plasma TV takes up less space.
Are there scientific principles in choosing a brand name? No.
Name 4 requirements that brand names should satisfy. Distinguish the brand from competitive offerings. Facilitate consumer learning of brand association. Achieve compatibility with a brand’s desired image and with its product design or packaging. Be memorable and easy to pronounce.
Name 3 exceptions to the rules of brand naming. The first brand in a product category can be successful in spite of the name. In all aspects of life, there are exceptions to the rules. Some brand managers at inception select brand names that are meaningless – empty vessel philosophy.
Name the 5 steps of the brand-naming process. 1: specify the objective for the brand (positioning, appropriate image, distinguish). 2: create candidate brand names. 3: evaluate candidate names (relevance, association, overall appeal). 4: choose a brand name. 5: register a trademark.
What is a logo? Related to brand name is the graphic design element called logo. It is shorthand way of identifying a brand. Not all brand names posses a distinct logo, but many do.
What are good logos? Good logos are recognised readily, convey the same meaning to all target audience and evoke positive feelings.
What is packaging? A brand’s package is the container that both protects and helps sell the products. Packaging performs crucial communication and sales role at the point of purchase, the package is a salient salesman.
Name the 8 roles of packaging. Contain product. Protect product. Draw attention to the brand. Break through competitive clutter. Justify price and value to customer. Signify brand features and benefits. Convey emotionality. Ultimately motivate consumers’ brand’s choice.
Explain packaging structure. A package communicates meaning about a brand via its various components: color, design, shape, size. Physical material and information labeling. All these components taken together represents packaging structure.
Name and explain the 4 packaging structure components. Colour: colors affect people psychologically and emotionally. Design/shape: permits good eye flow, length/thickness of lines. Size: shelf space in retail outlets. Physical materials: metal – strength, sued & satin are associated with femininity.
Name the 4 features that can be used to evaluate a package. (VIEW) Visibility: ability of package to attract attention. Information: objective to provide the right type/quantity of information w/o cluttering package. Emotional appeal: ability to evoke desired feeling/mood. Workability: how package functions.
What is brand positioning? A brand’s positioning represents the key features, benefits, or image that it stands for in the target audience’s collective mind.
What is semiotics? Semiotics is the study of signs and analysis of meaning producing events. Semiotics perspective sees meaning as constructive process, that is determined by both the source and the receiver.
Are signs and meanings the same? Although, we use signs to share meaning with others, the two terms (signs and meanings) are synonymous.
Explain sign. Signs are simply stimuli that are used to evoke intended meaning in another person. Words and non verbal signs do not have meaning per se, instead people have meaning for signs. Many times, people have different meanings for the same word or gesture.
Explain meanings. Meanings are not contained in marcom message per se but rather are perceived by the message receiver.
What is the challenge when positioning a brand? Therefore, the challenge when positioning a brand is to make sure consumers interpret as intended the signs that marketing communicators used.
Define meaning. Meaning can be thought of as the thoughts and feelings that are evoked within a person when presented with a sign in a particular context.
Name 3 characteristics of meaning. Meaning is internal rather than external. Subjective. Is not imposed but constructed by the interpreter.
What is meaning transfer? From culture to object to consumer.
Explain meaning transfer. The culture/social systems in which marketing communication takes place are loaded with meaning. Through socialisation people learn cultural values + become familiar with physical manifestation of values and beliefs eg. red ribbons – solidarity on AIDS.
How do marketing communicators transfer meaning to their brands? Marketing communicators, when in the process of positioning their brands, draw meaning from culturally constituted world and transfer that meaning to their brands.
Explain advertising in transferring meaning to a brand. Advertising is an important instrument in transferring meaning and positioning. When exposed to an advertisement, the consumer is actively involved in assigning meaning to the advertised brand.
Name the two ideas that the term "positioning" suggests. 1) The marketing communicator wishes to create a specific meaning for the brand (positioned in consumers’ mind). 2) The brand’s meaning in consumers’ mind stands in comparison to what they know about competitive brands (positioned against competition).
Name the 3 benefits positioning. Functional needs: Provide solutions to consumption related problems i.e. higher quality, durability etc. Symbolic needs: Associate brand ownership with a desired group or role. Experiential need: sensory pleasure (eg. looks good)
Name 2 types of attribute positioning. (Positioned by particular brand attributes or features) Product related: product design, superior design, more color options. Non product related: usage imagery, user imagery.
What is brand repositioning? There are points in a brand’s life cycle where brand managers will have to alter what the brand stands for in order to enhance the brand’s competitiveness.
Explain the implementation of positioning. To accomplish the goal of influencing consumers’ brand related beliefs, attitudes, emotional reactions and choices, marketing communicators design advertising and other forms of brand related messages.
Name the 8 stages of the CPM. 1 Be exposed to information. 2 Pay attention. 3 Comprehend attended information. 4 Agree with comprehended information. 5 Retain accepted information in memory. 6 Retrieve information from memory. 7 Decide from alternatives. 8 Act on the decision.
Explain the HEM viewpoint. The HEM viewpoint recognises that people often consume products for in pursuit of amusement, fantasies or sensory stimulation. From this perspective, products are more than objective entities and are instead subjective symbols that precipitate feeling.
6 elements of the promotional mix advertising, PR, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, online marketing/social media marketing.
Created by: AnDyEaTsYoUrToE
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