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Business & Worldview

International Business Class - Christian Worldview Assessment

Worldview The intellectual, emotional, and perhaps even spiritual framework by which we apprehend reality and assign meaning to life.
Epistemology The study of what is true. - God revealed through nature, his Word, and Christ, the Living Word of God.
Ontology The study of what it means to be human - We are made in God's image, and Christ affirmed our value by becoming fully human and dying for us.
Axiology The study of values - perfect love and justice were fulfilled in Christ's sacrifice.
The ultimate source of truth. The Bible.
Canonization of Scripture Multiple authors over numerous time periods were used to convey a coherent message about a God who is triune, perfectly loving, and perfectly just.
exegesis students should find the major themes and ideas of Scripture and then from those principles, evaluate business ideas scenarios and situations.
eisegesis involves taking a particular verse from Scripture out of context, and forcing an application into a business concept or scenario.
God's Sovereignty A sovereign loving righteous God existed before time, as a triune being.God enjoyed perfect fellowship in the presence of God the Father God the Son and God the Spirit 3 in 1 As such God didn't need man; but instead created man as an act of selfless love
Imago Dei and Free Will God created man in his own image, giving man the freedom to choose to love and obey, and to enjoy creativity and ownership in work and life.
The Fall and Pride Man rebelled, choosing the false promise that he could be as powerful and all knowing as God, and sin, death and evil resulted. Work became hard and painful.
Salvation Jesus Christ took on flesh to save mankind - fulfilling God's perfect sense of love and justice. All who put their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will be saved: their sin has been paid for by Christs work on the cross.
Faith acknowledging that we are not good enough to earn God's favor apart from Christ or strong and intelligent enough to do the right things and overcome evil apart from Christ. We need to put our faith in Christ and what he did for us on the cross.
Justification Christs sacrifice was the perfect legal remedy for sin-both Gods justice and love were fulfilled in the cross As fully man Christ took the punishment that man deserved As fully God and therefore perfect Christ was a blameless sacrifice and substituteforus
Redemption Through Christ, we have been redeemed from the slavery of sin - Christ was the ransom for us.
Propitiaion God's wrath was satisfied through Christ because it was directed at Christ.
Reconciliation Were broughtinto the family ofGod through Christ.Inturn were brought into fellowshipwith God both now and for eternity Were also brought intofellowship with one another in thejourney offaith whichwilleventually culminate inoureternaldesitnyand withChrist
Covenantal Behavior We are in covenant with God and with one another thru Christ. We are called to practice hesed (loving fulfillment of all duties) mutual accountability, active dialogue and participative decision - making with all covenantal members and servant leadership
Application of God's Sovereignty and Imago Dei Because we are made in God's image, work is redemptive and an act of worship, despite the presence of sin and evil. Work existed before the Fall; therefore, business itself can be sacred if done to honor the Lord.
Application of The Fall and Pride Becauseof thepresenceofevilbusinesscanoftenbedoneforthe wrongreasonsgreed thelustforpower andmaterialismcanallbe sinfulmotives forbusinessactivity Becausewewant tobe likeGod incontrolweseekwealthstatus influenceand controlatthe expenseoflovingGodandothers
Application of Salvation If we are putting our hope in Christ we will be living for eternity and seeking to obey Gods word. Rather than leaning on our own intelligence we make business decisions with much prayer.
Application of Faith We wait on the Lord as we make decisions and seek to aligh our decisions with Gods truth. That doesn't mean we don't think and analysze business data but rather that in doing so we acknolede that w edon't know it all an that we need the Lord to help us.
Economic Systems should maximize each person's unique Gifts. Because we acknowledge that man is made in Gods image, so that they can glorify God with their profession and calling.
Free market approach to economics So long as they do not exploit customers, the community or the environment government should encourage any economic productivity that allows for maximized freedom and creativity in Worshiping God with personal gifts.
sphere sovereignty where no one institution in society has all of the power or too much power.
corporate social responsbility we recognize that we are in covenant with our employees, customers and communities, so within the confines of making a profit, we sek to care for our environment and our communities.
Created by: joegormley3
Popular Business sets




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