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M.Term CombiningForm

M.Term Combining Forms

cyt/o cell
hist/o tissue
nucle/o nucleus
kary/o nucleus
anter/o anterior,front
caud/o tail
crani/o cranium(skull)
dist/o far,farthest
dors/o back(of body)
infer/o lower,below
later/o side
medi/o middle
poster/o back(of body),behind, posterior
proxim/o near,nearest
ventr/o belly,belly side
abdomin/o abdomen
cervic/o neck;cervix uteri(neck of uterus)
gastr/o stomach
ili/o ilium
inguin/o groin
lumb/o loins,lower back
umbilic/o navel
pelv/i pelvis
pelv/o pelvis
spin/o spine
thorac/o chest
albin/o white
luek/o white
chlor/o green
chrom/o color
cirrh/o yellow
jaund/o yellow
xanth/o yellow
cyan/o blue
erythr/o red
melan/o black
poli/o gray
acr/o extremity
eti/o cause
fasci/o band,fascia
idi/o unkown,peculiar
morph/o form,shape,structure
path/o disease
radi/o radiation,x-ray;radius
somat/o body
son/o sound
viscer/o internal organs
xer/o dry
adip/o fat
lip/o fat
steat/o fat
cutane/o skin
dermat/o skin
derm/o skin
hidr/o sweat
sudor/o sweat
ichthy/o dry,scaly
kerat/o horny tissue;hard;cornea
myc/o fungus
onych/o nail
ungu/o nail
pil/o hair
trich/o hair
scler/o hardening;sclera
seb/o sebum;sebaceous
squam/o scale
xen/o foreign,strange
ankyl/o stiffness;bent,crooked
arthr/o joint
kyph/o hill,mountain
lamin/o lamina
lord/o curve,swayback
myel/o bone marrow,spinal cord
orth/o straight
oste/o bone
ped/o foot;child
ped/i foot;child
scoli/o crooked,bent
acromi/o acromion
brachi/o arm
calcane/o heel bone
carp/o carpus
cephal/o head
clavicul/o clavicle
cost/o ribs
dactyl/o finger;toes
femor/o femur
humer/o humerus
ischi/o ischium
metacarp/o metacarpus
metatars/o metatarus
patell/o patella
phalang/o phalanges
pub/o pelvis bone(anterior part)
spondyl/o vertebrae
vertebr/o vertebrae
stern/o sternum
tibi/o tibia
leiomy/o smooth muscle
muscul/o muscle
my/o muscle
rhabd/o rod-shaped
rhabdomy/o rod-shaped muscle
chondr/o carilage
fibr/o fiber,fibrous tissue
synov/o synovial membrane,synovial fluid
ten/o tendon
tend/o tendon
tendin/o tendon
adren/o adrenal gland
adrenal/o adrenal gland
calc/o calcium
crin/o secrete
gluc/o suger,sweetness
glycos/o sugar,sweetness
glyc/o sugar,sweetness
home/o same,alike
kal/i potassium
pncreat/o pancreas
parathyroid/o parathyroid gland
thym/o thymus gland
thyr/o thyroid gland
thyroid/o thyroid gland
toxic/o poison
cerebr/o cerebrum
dendr/o tree
encephal/o brain
gangli/o ganglion
gli/o glue;neuroglial tissue
lex/o word,phrase
kinesi/o movement
lept/o thin,slender
mening/o meninges
meningi/o meninges
narc/o stupor;numbness;sleep
neur/o nerve
sthen/o strenght
radicul/o nerve root
thec/o sheath
thalam/o thalamus
ton/o tension
ventricul/o ventricle
Created by: kyismineforever
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