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A&P ch13 blood

How many liters of blood is in the body? 5 liters
what are the 3 blood components? plasma, formed elements, hematocrit
what is the key plasma protein? albumin
Plasma makes up 55 percent of blood and is made up mostly of water
what helps equalize fluid volume? albumin
erythrocytes? red blood cells that carry oxygen and are the heaviest in the blood
leukocytes? white blood cells
what do platelets do? create blood clotting
what is the resistance of a fluid to flow viscosity
Hematocrit percent of red blood cells in a sample
what does low hematocrit mean anemia/ person is anemic.
hematopoiesis or hemopoieses formation of blood cells
produces all types of blood cells and is found in long bones and some flat bones. red bone marrow
what is a lymphocyte a type of white blood cell
what is produced by lymphatic tissue? lymphocytes
lacks a nucleus, no DNA, no replication red blood cells
what do red blood cells do deliver o2 to cells, remove carbon dioxide, movement
HEME bound to each globin
what is the iron containing molecule of hemoglobin heme
4 ribbon like protein chains globin
circulates for 120 days red blood cells
what is the lifecycle of a red blood cell? oxygen level drops, kidneys secrete EPO, bone marrow creates erythrocytes, reticulocytes are released, they mature into RBCs, o2 levels go up, EPO and RBC production goes down.
what is EPO and what does it do erythropoietin stimulates red blood marrow
reticulocytes immature red blood cell
where are amino acids and basic chemicals stored globin
where are iron and bilirubin stored heme
where is iron sent to? bones
what does bilirubin pertain to liver
what is taken and secreted in urine and feces bilirubin
liver and spleen have to function for? rbc breakdown
hemolysis breakdown of rbc's
leukocytes wbc's
what is a role of white blood cells protect the body against pathogens
what are the 5 types of white blood cells? Neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils
% of blood that contains neutrophils 60%
% of blood that contains lisophils 30%
% of blood that contains monocytes 8%
% of blood that contains eosinophils 3%
% of blood that contains basophils 0-1%
polycythemia too many blood cells in circulation; blood is too thick
what are the types of granulocytes neurtophils, eosinophils, and basophils
what has a granulated appearance? granulocytes
what the types of agranulocytes lymphocytes and monocytes
what has a smooth appearance agranulocytes
cell that travels to infection; phagocyte neutrophils
cbc complete blood count
cell that is apart of long term immunity lymphocytes
cell that is biggest wbc that can take up large particles monocytes
cells that work with allergic reaction in respiratory tract and stomach/digestive tract. eosinphils
cells that secrete the anticoagulant heparin basophils
how long do platelets live 1 week
formation of blood clots hemostasis
stationary blood clot thrombus
moving blood clot embolus
coagulation clotting of the blood
two steps for dissolution of blood clots platelets contract to bring edges together to heal, and fibrinolysis
fibrin net that holds platelets in place
fibrinolysis breakdown of the meshwork and the clot
factors that discourage blood clots smooth endothelium (prevents clots from sticking), blood flow (blood need to be moving), anticoagulants.
erythroblastosis fetalis where mom has a different RH factor and develops antibodies of babies blood
factor also means antigen
antigen blood type
antibodies circulate outside.
universal blood recipient AB+
universal blood donor O-
Created by: jordan baldwin
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