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Sodium balance

fluids and electrolytes

What is the normal range for sodium? 135-145 mEq/l
Sodium determines the osmolarity of the ____________________ fluid extracellular
Lower than normal level of sodium is called _________________ hyponatremia
Higher than normal level of sodium is called _________________ hypernatremia
Fill in the blank: Low sodium levels usually causes ______ osmolarity in the fluid compartments outside the cell: so fluid moves low/into the cells
List the three problems that can result in hyponatremia sodium loss, excess total body water (dilutional hyponatremia), inadequate salt intake
Identify conditions that can cause hyponatremia due to sodium loss sodium loss: sweating, burns, vomitint, diarhea, gastric tube drainage, duretic uses, osmotic diuresis (diabetes mellitus), hypoaldosteronism
Identify conditions that can cause hyponatrmeia through water gain chronic renal insuffieicney, hypothroidism, SIADH, excessive thirst, heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome
Identify conditions that can cause hyponatremia through inadequate sodium intake use of diuretics in patients on a low salt diet
Which is more common, hypo or hypernatremia? hyponatremia
__________ Eq/L would be considered severe hypernatremia and can lead to ___ greater than 145 mEq/L / death
Who is at risk for hypernatremia due to inability to respond to the thirst resonse? patients who are intubated, infants, elderly, cognitively impaired
List causes of hypernatremia insensible water loss, water loss from GI tract, diabetes insipidus, diuresis
List potential sources of increased sodium intake dietary, hypertonic IV solutions, sodium bicarb
Signs and symptoms of hyponatremia hyponatremia: brain swells, symptoms include headache, lethargy, confusion, obtundation, seizures, coma
Signs and symptoms of hypernatremia brain cells shrink, altered mental status, neuromuscular irritability, weakness, seizures, coma
Treatment fluid volume deficit and hyponatremia isontonic saline IV solution
Treatment hyponatremia and fluid overload sodium, fluid restrictions, diuretics
Treatment for hypernatremia stop water loss and correct deficit, restore blood volume, treat underlying cause
What is SIADH and what is its effect on fluid balance and sodium levels? excessive release of ADH results in hyponatremia and fluid volume excess
What is diabetes insipidus and what is its effect on fluid balance and sodium levels? Deficient ADH resulting in dehydration and hypernatremia
Created by: akeane3
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