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A abbre


ant anterior
AP apical pluse
approx approximately
__ aa of each
AX axilla, axillary, armpit
A & W alive and well
av average
ASAP as soon as possible
ad lib as desired
ADL activities of daily living
ARC AIDS related complex
ASCVD arteriosclertic cardiovascular diesease
as tol as tolerated
amal amalgam
amb ambulate, walk
ASA asprin
ANS the part of the nervous system that regulates involuntary body functions, including the activity of the cardio muscle, smooth muscle , and glands.
AV artervenous , artioventricular
ANA American Nurses association
AD right ear
AS left ear
A & P anterior and posterior
aq, aqua aqueous ( water base )
abd abdomen,abdominal
am (1) AM (2) morning before noon
AHA American Hosiptal
ASHD A thickening and hardening of the walls of the coronary artetries
amt amount
Ab abortion
AV both ears .pertaining to arteries and veins
AMA American medical association against medical advice
ACtH widely used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, allergic states, avrious dermatologic diseases, and many other disorders.
ac before meals
adm admisson
ADA a hormone that decreases the production of urine by increasing the of water by the renal tubles.
ART accredited records technician
-- a before
@ at
A & D admission and discharge
ABG arterial blood gas
Created by: nyteaa
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