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Vocab Unit 1 Less. 1

English Vocab Unit 1 Lesson 1 Prefix Ob- / Op- / Oc-

obfuscate render obscure, unclear, or unintelligibl
oblation a thing presented or offered to God or a god (sacrifice)
observant quick to notice things.
observation the action or process of observing something or someone carefully or in order to gain information.
observe notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.
obsession an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.
obstruct block (an opening, path, road, etc.); be or get in the way of.
obtain get, acquire, or secure (something).
occlude stop, close up, or obstruct (an opening, orifice, or passage).
occur happen; take place.
offer present or proffer (something) for (someone) to accept or reject as so desired.
opponent someone who competes against or fights another in a contest, game, or argument; a rival or adversary.
oppose disapprove of and attempt to prevent, especially by argument.
obese grossly fat or overweight.
obliterate destroy utterly; wipe out.
oblivion the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening.
oblivious not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.
obsolete no longer produced or used; out of date.
occult supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena.
obdurate stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action.
obligation an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
obloquy strong public criticism or verbal abuse.
obnoxious extremely unpleasant.
obsequious obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.
obstreperous noisy and difficult to control.
obtrude become noticeable in an unwelcome or intrusive way.
obtrusive noticeable or prominent in an unwelcome or intrusive way.
obtuse annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.
obvious easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent.
occident the countries of the West, especially Europe and the Americas (contrasted with orient).
occidental of or relating to the countries of the Occident.
oppress keep (someone) in subservience and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority.
oppressive unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority or other subordinate group.
Created by: stasia_00
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