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Study Skills

First 100 Root Words

Photos light
Graph Draw/write
tele far away or distant
metron measure
tropos turning
philia love/friendship
phobos fear
syn with/together
thesis put/place/position
kinesis movement
phone sound
sonus sound/noise
skopeo look at/inspect/consider/examine
video/visum see
logos word,study
verbum word/latin
nomen/nominus name
pro for/before/forward/in place of
prae before/in front of
ad to/toward/near/next to
jacio/jactum throw
pono,positum lay/put/place
figo/fixum fix/fasten/attach
jungo/junctum join/unite,connect
digitus finger/toe/inch
caput/capitis head
manus hand
pes/pedis foot
bracchium arm
dens/dentist tooth
corp us/corporis body
unus 1
duo 2
tres 3
quatorr 4
quinque 5
sex 6
septem 7
octo 8
novem 9
decem 10
centum 100
mille 1000
pyro fire
ignis fire
vulcanus Vulcan=god of fire
hydros water
aqua water
bonus good
helios sun
solar sun
lunar moon
dia through/between/across/apart
trans across/over/beyond/through
geo earth
terra land
dormio/dormitum sleep
hypnos sleep
annus year
lithos stone
petros rock/stone
astron star
stell star
dendron tree
arbor/arbors tree
chronos time
tempus/temporis time
para along with/beside
inter between/among/amid
cum with/together
techne art/skill
ars/artis art/skill
bios life
vivo/victum live
mikros small
megas great/large/big
magnus big/large/great
pater/patris father
mater/matris mother
frater/fratis brother
demos the people the citizens
populus people
polis city
urbs/urbis city
pathos feeling
autos self
thermos heat
curro/cursom run
zoon animal
verto/versum turn
facio/ factum make/do
scribe/scriptum write
plico/plicatum fold
dico/dictum speak
biblos book
liber/libri book
scio/scitum know
discupulis student
sauros lizard
amo/amatum love
Created by: clothierfamily
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