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Fund Exam #6

Fundamentals Exam #6 chapters 17 & 24

Chiropractic doctors cannot do what? Prescribe medications as part of treatment.
When is the only time that CPR can be terminated? The victim recovers, the rescuer is exhausted and cannot continue, trained medical personnel arrive on the scene and take over CPR or a licensed physician arrives on the scene and pronounces the victim dead and orders CPR to be discontinued.
What does CAM stand for? Complimentary or Alternative Medicine
What is traditional or conventional Western medicine? Allopathic Medicine
Which center facilitates the evaluation of alternative medical treatment and acts as a clearinghouse to distribute info to the public, media, and professionals and supports, coordinates, and conducts research/research training in the area of CAM? National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Which therapy is the joining of the mind, body, and spirit to enrich the quality of one's life and to enhance one's health. Yoga Therapy
What does the Good Samaritan Law assume about an unconscious person? The law assumes that an unconscious person would give consent if able.
Which therapy's goal is to to restore balance within the individual by facilitating the person's self-healing ability? Herbal Therapy
What is not required from manufacturers of herbal therapies? They are not required by law to demonstrate the safety, efficacy, or quality of their products.
True or False? although manufacturers of herbs do not have to demonstrate safety, efficay or quality of the herb they do have to provide standardized dosages. False. They do not have standardized dosages, nor do they always produce preparations of consistent strength.
Which herb enhances the effects of anticoagulant drugs? Ginkgo/Ginkgo biloba - (Improves memory, increases circulation to the extremities and the brain)
Which mnemonic will help you in asessing status of emergency patients? ABC - airway, breathing, circulation
Which CAM is contraindicated for phlebitis? Therepeutic massage an reflexology.
What therapy uses essential oils produced from plants to provide health benefits. Aromatherapy
What therapy is based on the premise that zones and reflexes in different parts of the body correspond to all parts, glands, and organs of the entire body. Reflexology
What is the legal stipulation for protection of those who give first aid in an emergency situation? Good Samaritan Law
Which organ metabolizes drugs? Liver
What are the 2 purposes of CPR? To keep the lungs supplied with oxygen when breathing has stopped and to keep the blood circulating and carrying oxygen to the brain, heart, and other parts of the body.
What is Imagery? Visualization techniques that use the conscious mind to create mental images to evoke physical changes in the body, improve perceived well-being, and enhance self-awareness.
What is a drug that will block the action of another drug? Antaganist Drug
True or False? In an emergency situation the LPN/LVN will not need permission to treat any patient situation. False. Even in emergency situations, before the nurse administers first aid, verbal permission must be obtained from the victim.
Which CAM applies pressure to specific areas on the feet? Reflexology
What is allopathic medicine? Traditional or conventional Western medicine
What is the process of classifying a group of patients as to the severity of injury and need of care? Triage
What burn classification involves only the outer layer of the skin? Shallow Partial-Thickness
After the nurse has initiated first aid, there is a moral and legal obligation to do what? To continue the aid until the victim can be cared for by someone with comparable or better training; for example, an emergency medical technician (EMT) or a physician can arrive at the scene and assume first aid care of the victim.
Once you have determined a victim to be unresponsive and unconscious what would your next step be to do? Activate EMS - emergency response system.
True or False? The ratio of compressions to ventilations in an adult one-person rescue is 30:2. True
What type of therapy can contain diagnostic and therapeutic methods such as exercise, massage, reflexology, chiropractic therapy or therapeutic touch? Aternative Therapy
The initial assessment in determining the need for CPR is to determine what? Responsiveness of the patient.
Using a tincture of rosemary would make a patient sensitive to what? The sun or UV rays.
In an emergency situaltion does the victim have the right to refuse first aid? YES
What is Allopathic Medicine? Traditional or conventional Western medicine
What does CPR stand for? cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Which herb can have a synergetic effect with barbituates? Valerian (taken for Insomnia, hyperactivity, stress)
How many classifications of burns are there? Three
Which CAM can help prevent osteoporosis? T'ai chi, or Taiji
When checking for a pulse on a child, which pulse do you check? Carotid
Under which burn classification would a severe sunburn fall under? Deep Partial-Thickness
Where do you check for the pulse of an infant? Brachial or femural pulse.
How deep do you do CPR compressions on an infant? 1/3 to 1/2 the depth of chest
What is the state of generalized decreased cognitive, physiologic, or behavioral arousal? Relaxation
When do you activate ERS in a child or infant? After giving 5 cycles of CPR or for about 2 minutes.
When doing CPR on an adult, which pulse do you check? Carotid
How deep do you do CPR compressions on an adult? 1 1/2 - 2 inches
How do you open the airway on a victim with suspected trauma or neck injury? Jaw thrust
What is the most common cause of cardiac arrest in infants? Respiratory failure.
True or False? The ratio of compressions to ventilations for a 2-person rescue are 20:2 False, 15:2
Rescue breathing in an adult is 1 breath every how many seconds? 1 breath every 5-6 seconds
Rescue breathing in a child or infant is 1 breath every how many seconds? 1 breath every 3-5 seconds
True or False? You should take at least 15 seconds to Look, Listen and Feel for Breathing? False, take at least 5 seconds but no more than 10 seconds.
What can be caused with too much volume during rescue breathing or the head is not properly positioned? Gastric Distension
What do you do if an apparent choking victim is able to cough forcibly, although there may be wheezing between coughs. Do not interfere with the victim at this point, but monitor closely, because he or she may regress to a state of poor air exchange.
When performing the Heimlich maneuver on an adult conscious victim, the rescuer makes a fist with one hand and place the thumb of the fist against the middle of the victim's abdomen slightly above the navel and well below what? The tip of the xiphoid process.
What are the signs and symptoms of circulatory shock? changes in level of consciousness, skin changes, decrease in b/p, tachycardia and then thready pulse,resp quickens and then irregular, oliguria, thirst, pupils dilate and Nausea/Vomiting.
True or False? The amount of blood circulating in the average adult is 10 pints? False, 12 pints.
When is the blind finger sweep of the mouth never used? When treating an infant for choking because the foreign body could become lodged deeper because of the shortened trachea of the infant.
Which is the most effective initial treatment of bleeding? To apply direct pressure over the bleeding site
What is the emergency procedure for dislodging a bolus of food or other obstruction from the trachea to prevent asphyxiation? Heimlich Maneuver
If a choking adult victim becomes unconscious what should you do? Place in supine position, perform finger sweep and if nothing is removed perform abdominal thrusts and repeat these steps as necessary until obstruction is dislodges or CPR must be initiated
What is blood in the urine called? Hematuria
If a choking victim is pregnant or obese, what may be used instead of abdominal thrusts? Chest thrusts. The hands are in the same position as chest compressions in CPR.
What is the best way to control a nosebleed? Have pt sitting and leaning forward or with the thumb and forefinger, apply steady pressure to both nostrils for 10 to 15 minutes before releasing, or apply ice compresses over the nose at the same time, which may help control bleeding.
When performing the Heimlich maneuver on an adult conscious victim, the rescuer presses the fist into the victim's abdomen with quick inward or upward thrusts? Upward thrusts
What is done differently when an infant is choking? You would do 5 back blows and then 5 chest thrusts with the heel of your hand
What is Epistaxis? Nosebleed
What is dark, tarry stool (blood in stool)? Melena
What is the initial treatment of a sucking chest wound? An airtight dressing must be applied.
How do you properly remove a stinger from the skin? With the side of a knife or credit card in a scraping motion.
What is the treatment for frostbite? If the part will become refrozen after it has been thawed, it is better to leave it frozen until the victim arrives at a medical facility. If not, The frozen part is immersed in warm water at 104° to 110° for 20 to 45 minutes.
When is CPR necessary? CPR is indicated in any syndrome in which respiration or respiration and circulation are absent.
What type of therapies are used in addition to conventional treatment recommended by a person's health care provider. Complimentary Therapy
Which classification of burn involves the entire first layer of skin, as well as some of the underlying tissue? Deep Partial-Thickness
Which classification of burn involves destruction of the skin and underlying tissue, including fat, muscle, and bone? Full-Thickness
When discussing CPR, what age is considered a child? 1 year to puberty.
Keeping in mind the "Rule of 9's", if an adult has been burned on both his legs and left arm what percentage would the extent of burns be? 45% = 18 per leg = 36 plus 9 for L arm = 45%
What are the dangers from burn injuries? Shock, loss of fluids, and infection.
When is magnet therapy a contraindication? Contraindications include pregnancy, patients with pacemakers, insulin delivery systems, cochlear implants and defibrillators, and anyone using an electric blanket or heating pad.
With a victim of frostbite, what must the nurse be careful NOT TO DO? Not to rub the part; underlying tissue may become bruised and damaged by friction.
Which classification of burns involves only the outer layer of the skin. Shallow Partial Thickness
Created by: bsmymicareo
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