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Ch 1 Vocab

La pesadilla the nightmere
Destrozar to destroy
el buitre the vulture
las garras the claws
Cargar to load
Apretar to press/squeze
Enredado entangled
Aclarar to clarify
Quedarse to remain
Pesar to weigh
el fondo the fund
el aliento the breath
Morder to bite
el venado the deer
Boba foolish
El mapache the racoon
Rociar to sprinkle
el zorillo the skunk
amortiguar to cushion
Bobalicon stupid
Perturbar to disturb
Tiritar to shiver
La calefaccion the heating
Caucho rubber
Aprovechar to take advantage of
Escupir to spit
entrenar to coach
Procurar to try
El gomoso the sticky one
Harto de Enough of
Chillar to scream
Mocosa snotty
Dispuesto arranged
Tropezar to trip
Dejar to leave
la rueda the wheel
Deteriorar to deteriorate
Patetico Pathetic
Arruinar to ruin
la flauta the flute
Faltar to lack
Agitar to aggitate
Inundar to flood
Avisar to notify
Huerfanos orfans
Desintegrando disintegrating
Disfrazar to disguise
Acechar to await
Preforarse to be perforated
Juntar to join
Alimentar to feed
Una ala a wing
la culebra the snake
La nevera the refrigerator
Dar la gana to give the desire
Sana healthy
la ausencia the absence
Astuta Astute
Enganar to decieve
Recien recently
Un rato one moment
Reconocer to recognize
Hundir to sink
Rodear to surround
La sombra the shadow
la tela teh fabric
El fantasma the ghost
Cambiar to change, trade
Irritarse to get irritated
Con frcuencia frequently
Sino Rather
A veces at times
Reprochar to reproach
El llanto the crying
Arrepentirse to be repented
Angustiado distressed, anguished
Soportar to support physically
Clave the key
Dirigir to direct
Empujar to push
desclazar to go barefoot
Empunar to sieze, grip
la navaja the knife
Pertenecer to belong to
Pelado hairless
El marmol the marbel
palida pale
Lograr to achieve
Lanzar to launch
Sujetar to hold, fasten
Suplicar to beg
Arrastar to drag
trancar to stride along
apoyer to support mentally
agarrar to get, grab
arrancar to pull up, out
el colchon the matress
las almohadas the pillows
patear to kick
anico piece
el caracol the sea shell, conch
acordarse to remember
la maldicion the curse
el trozo the piece
burlarse to be mocked
ahogar to drown
desangrar to bleed
enfrentarse to be faced
la herida the wound
hinchar to swell
un panuelo a handkerchief
balbucear to stammer
manchar to stain
una sena a sign
los punados the handfuls
atreverse to be dared
el chorro the spurt
Cualquiera any
el amazonas the amazon
espantado frightened
los caimanes the caymans
ser capaz to be capable
farfullar to jabber
mascullar mascullar
meterse to become
las metralletas the submachine guns
Masacrar to massacre
transcurrir to elapse
las mejillas the cheeks
a pesar de todo in spite of all
Created by: Hoopman255
Popular Spanish sets




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