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NRTC AP unit 1

ch 3 4 5

Smallest functional unit of all living matter Cell
Controls ribosome synthesis Nucleolus
Structure that produces ATP Mitochondria
Structure responsible for selective permeability Cell membrane
Structure that holds the genetic code Chromatin
Control center of the cell Nucleus
Tiny folds on the cell membrane that increase surf ace area Microvilli
Striated, voluntary muscle tissue Skeletal Muscle
tissue found in the lungs simple squamous epithelium
Connects muscles to bones tendons
connects bones to bones ligaments
component that differentiates connective tissue from all other tissue types extracellular matrix
2 types of tissue repair regeneration and fibrosis
type of cartilage found between spinal vertebrae fibrocartilage
storage site of calcium Bones
cell type that transmits the electrical signal of the nervous system neuron
membranes that line a body surface opening to the exterior mucous membrane
specialized epithelium tissue that secrets its hormone products directly into the blood stream endocrine glands
process of cellular reproduction mitosis
cell suicide apoptosis
movement of fluid and particles across a cell membrane due to change of pressure filtration
diffusion of water across a cell membrane osmosis
solution that has the same concentration as the intracellular fluid isotonic
gel substance inside of the cell but outside of the nucleus cytoplasm
fine hair like structures on the surface of the cell cilia
top most layer of epithelium epidermis/ stratum corneum
middle layer of integument dermis
bottom layer of integument hypodermis/ subcutaneous
tough protective sheet of dense connective tissue fascia
sweat gland that opens to the environment eccrine gland
sweat gland that opens to the hair follicle apocrine gland
oil secreting glands sebaceous gland
"ear wax" secreting gland ceruminous gland
non vascular layer of the integument epidermis
layers affected by second degree burn epidermis and dermis
layers affected by a full-thickness burn epidermis/dermis/hypodermis
most common passive transport mechanism diffusion
organelle that packages proteins for transport golgi body
active transport mechanisms by which a vesicle takes in a particle endocytosis/phagocytosis
active transport mechanism by which a vesicle takes in a liquid pinocytosis
appearing to be layered pseudostratified
cell suicide apoptosis
4 types of tissue epithelial, connective, nervous, muscular
3 types of cartilage hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage
toughest/most dense connective tissue osseous tissue/bone
loss of heat to a cool surface conduction
loss of heat to a cool environment radiation
loss of heat to a current convection
loss of heat to a cool liquid evaporation
protein that toughens and water proofs skin keratin
substance that determines hair and skin color melanin
hair loss alopecia
excessive hair growth hirsutism
Created by: kleer
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