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What is produced in the mitochondria from nutrients; capable of releasing energy that enables cells to work? Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
What is the role of Active transport? No regard to + and – charge; moves against concentration gradients; requires energy; lower concentration to an area of higher concentration.
What substances are transported through the body in Active Transport? Na, K, Ca, Fe, H, amino acids, insulin provides transport for glucose
The movement of substances through the cell membrane; that does NOT require energy? Passive Transport
Diffusion, Osmosis and Filtration require energy and are apart of the Active Transport process? True or False False; they are apart of Passive Transport and does not require energy to move substances through the cell membrane.
Describe Isotonic? same osmotic pressure
Describe Hypertonic? Solution of higher osmotic pressure
Describe Hypotonic? Solution of lower osmotic pressure
Homeostasis causes the body to become what? balanced, neutral state
What is the larger of the two compartments; and has fluid inside the cells within the body? Intracellular
Describe the Extracellular compartment? Any fluid outside the cells of the body
Interstitial, Intravascular and Plasma are apart of what compartment? Extracellular
Fluid between the cells or in the tissues is? Interstitial
Fluid within the vessels is? Intravascular
What is the main anion of the extracellular fluid; an alkaline electrolyte; which regulates acid base balance and acts as a buffer to neutralize acids in the body (the kidneys regulate the amount of HCO3 by selectively retaining or secreting it)? Bicarbonate (HCO3)
One of 3 systems that work to keep the body’s pH within the narrow range of normal; “chemical sponges”; circulate in pairs & neutralize excessive acids or bases by contributing or accepting hydrogen ions? Buffer
What does mEq/L stand for? Milliequivalents per liter. The measure of chemical activity or chemical combining power of an ion
What is the chief intracellular ion? Potassium (K+)
What electrolyte does water follow in the body? Sodium (Na)
In what electrolyte imbalances are Chvostek & Trousseau signs positive? Hypocalcemia & Hypomagnesemia
If a client who is hypervolemic gained 4.4 pounds, how much fluid volume excess would he have? 2 Liters
What is the most common cause of metabolic alkalosis? Vomiting
The client’s ABG values are: pH 7.30; PaCO2 25mmHg; O2 Sat 98%; PaO2 75mmHg; HCO3 20mmHg. What acid-base disturbance might he be experiencing? Metabolic Acidosis
What is a Barium Enema? a rectal infusion of barium sulfate, a radiopaque contrast medium, retained in the lower intestinal tract (diagnostic studies) helps dx obstructions, tumors, or other abnormalities, (ulcerative colitis).
Procedure that is used therapeutically in children to reduce nonstrangulated intussusceptions; aka contrast enema? Barium Enema
Oral administration of a radiopaque barium sultate suspension given to radiographically demonstrate possible defects in the esophagus & abnormal borders of the posterior aspects of the heart? Barium Swallow
What is a bronchoscopy? visual examination of the larynx, trachea, bronchi using a standard rigid, tubular metal bronchoscope or a narrower, flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope.
What is a Chest X-ray? A radiographic study (by film or digitalized imaging)
A procedure that is done for examination of the colon (anus-cecum)? Colonoscopy
The inspection of the rectum & sigmoid colon by the aid of a sigmoidoscope? Sigmoidoscopy
Fiberoptic colonoscopy use what for this colon explorative procedure? It uses fiberoptic technology
Describe a Endoscopy? the visualization of the interior of organs & cavities of the body with an endoscope; (GI structures visible incL the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, colon, pancreas).
Exploratory procedure that can obtain samples for cytological & histological examination to follow the course of disease (ex: assessment of the healing of gastric & duodenal ulcers). Endoscopy
What blood speciman is obtained by peripheral blood? CBC (Complete Blood Count)
A non-invasive xray with contrast dye. Used to examine the abdomen, brain, chest, heart? CT Scan (Computed Tomography Scan)
A Cystoscopy explores the? Urethra and Bladder
A lab test involving a special culture medium? Culture
The study of cells? Cytology
Describe and Echocardiogram?
What is a GTT? Glucose Tolerance Test;
IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram)
Lumbar Puncture
MRI Magnetic Resonance imaging
Midstream Urine Speciman
Residual Urine
Upper Gastrointestional Series (UGI)
Urinalysis (UA)
What is the LPN’s role in collecting specimens? Patient preparation; Patient knowledge; Preparing supplies & equipment; Patient care during procedures; Post procedure care
Created by: ktrocket26
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