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Strength & Cond voc.

Final strength & conditioning vocabulary

absolute strength developed through heavy weight training, typically the 80-80% of maximum effort for each lift
adaptation the adjustment of the body or mind to achieve a greater degree of fitness to it's environment
adduction movement of a line toward middle axis of the body
adherence sticking to an exercise position
adipose tissue fat tissue
aerobic endurance the ability to continue aerobic activity over a period of time
agility your ability to combine limit strength starting strength, starting strength, explosive strength and dynamic balancein preforming a series of directional changes in rapid succession
anaerobic exercise sort term activities in which muscle fibers derive contractile energy from store internal compounds without the use of oxygen from the blood
anaerobic threshold the point where increasing energy demands of exercise cannot be met by the use of oxygen and an oxygen debt begins to be incurred
anatomy the science of the structure of the human body
atrophy withering away, a decrease in functional ability and size of bodily tissues and organs
ballistic movement An exercise or sports related movement in which part of the body is "thrown" against the resistance of antagonist muscles or against the limits of a joint.
bodybuilding the application of training sciences-particularly nutrition and weight training-to enhance musculature and physical appearance
body composition the proportion of fat, muscle and bone making up the body. Usually expressed as percent of body fat and percent of lean body mass.
body fat the percentage of fat in the body. In bodybuilding, the lower the percentage, the more muscular the physique appears.
bursa a cushioning sac filled with a lubricating fluid that alleviates friction where there is movement between muscles, between tendon and bone, or between bone and skin.
circuit training a series of exercises, performed one after the other, with little rest between. Resistance training in this manner increases strength while making some contribution to cardiovascular endurance as well.
concentric muscle contraction in which the muscle shortens. This action is commonly called positive work.
conditioning long-term physical training, typically used in reference to sports preparation.
connective tissue a fibrous tissue that binds together and supports the structures of the body.
cool down a gradual reduction of the intensity of exercise to allow physiological processes to return to nomal. Helps avoid blood pooling in the legs and may reduce muscular soreness
deadlift one of three powerlifting events. A maximum (1-RM) barbell is lifted off the floor until the lifter is standing erect.
deltoids the large triangular muscles of the shoulder, which raise the arm away from the body and are a prime mover in all arm elevation movements.
ectomorph a thin person with a lean physique and light musculature
endomorph a heavyset person with a predominantly round and soft physique
endorphins brain chemicals that ease or suppress pain.
eccentric muscle contraction in which the muscle resists while it is forced to lengthen. This is commonly called "negative" work.
estrogen the sex hormone that predominates in the female, but also has functions in the male
fast-twitch fibers muscle fiber type that contracts quickly and is used most intensive, short duration exercises, such as weightlifting of sprints.
flexibility your ability to flex, extend, or circumduct your body's joints through their full intended ranges of motion without substantial decrement in limit strength.
static balance your ability to maintain control of your body's center of gravity over the center of your base of support
dynamic balance your ability to maintain control of your body's center of gravity while moving or in flight.
strength endurance your ability to maintain limit strength output time after time without fatigue limiting force output
local muscular endurance a muscle's ability to perform sustained, sub-maximum force output over an extended period
speed endurance your ability to maintain absolute maximum speed while sprinting requires both starting strength and the ability to display it time after time. Operating with the ATP/CP pathway of muscle energetics is the name of the game here.
cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory endurance the efficiency with which you get oxygen to your working muscles while, at the same time, removing metabolic wastes
gluteals abbreviation for gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus; the hip extensor muscles
hypertrophy (muscle) increase in both gross muscle size as well as individual muscle cell size resulting from training (especially weight training)
inflammation body's local response to injury, characterized by pain, with heat, redness, swelling and loss of function
kinesiology study of human musculoskeletal movement also referred to as biomechanics
mesomorph a person whose physique features powerful musculature
obliques short for external and/or internal obliques, the muscles to either side of abdominals that rotate and flex the trunk.
periodization "Periodized training" is a phrase which refers to how one training is broken down into discreet time periods called macrocycles, mesocycles, and microcycles.
plyometrics a type of exercise that suddenly preloads and forces the stretching of a muscle an instant prior to its concentric actions.
power a combination of strength and speed, strength x speed = power
powerlifts three lifts contested in the sport of powerlifting: the squat, deadlift and bench pres
pronation assuming a facedown position. of the hand turning the palm backward or downward. of the foot , lowering the inner side of the foot so as to flatten the arch
repetition an individual completed exercise movement
resistance the amount of weight used in each set of an exercise, or the force which a muscle is required to work against
slow-twitch-fibers muscle fiber type that contracts slowly and is used most in moderate intensity, endurance exercises, such as distance running
Created by: dstewart
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