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Org Bvr. Ch. 12

Organizational Behavior 13e chapter 12

Group Any number of people who share goals, often communicate with one another over a period of time, and are few enough so that each individual may communicate with all the others, person to person.
Task Group Created by management to accomplish certain organizational goals.
Friendship Group Evolves informally to meet its member' personal security, esteem, and belonging needs.
Informal Group One that develops out of the day-to-day activities, interactions, and sentiments that the members have for each other.
Team A small number of employees with complementary competencies who are committed to common performance goals and working relationships for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.
Team Empowerment Refers to the degree to which its members perceive the group as having potency, meaningfulness, autonomy, and impact.
Potency being competent and able to accomplish work-related tasks
Meaningfulness performing important and valuable tasks
Autonomy having choice
Impact experiencing a sense of importance and significance in the work performed and goals achieved.
Forming Stage Members focus on defining or understanding goals and developing procedures for performing their tasks.
Storming Stage Conflicts over work, relative priorities of goals, who is responsible for what, and the directions of the team leader.
Norming Stage Work behaviors evolve into a sharing of information, acceptance of different opinions, and positive attempts to make decisions that may require compromise.
Performing Stage Members have come to trust and accept each other. To accomplish tasks, diversity of viewpoints is supported and encouraged.
Adjourning Stage The termination of task-related behaviors and disengagement from interpersonal behaviors occur during this stage.
Functional Team Includes employees who work together daily on similar tasks and must coordinate their efforts.
Problem-solving Team A team that has members who focus on a specific issue, develop a potential solution, and can often take action within defined limits.
Cross-Functional Team A team that has members drawn from various work areas whose goal is to identify and solve mutual problems.
Self-Managed Team A team with highly interdependent members who work together effectively on a daily basis to manufacture an entire product (or major identifiable component) or provide an entire service to a set of customers.
Virtual Team A team with members who collaborate through various information technologies on one or more tasks while geographically dispersed at 2 or more locations and who have minimal face to face interaction.
Global Team Has members from a variety of countries who are separated significantly by time, distance, culture and language.
Context The external conditions within which a team works.
Informal Leader An individual whose influence in a team grows over time and usually reflects a unique ability to help the team reach its goals.
Team Goals The outcomes desired for the team as a whole.
Superordinate goals Two or more individuals, teams, or groups might pursue but can't be achieved without their cooperation.
Collective Efficacy A team's or group's shared perception of its capability to successfully perform specific tasks.
Task-Orientated Role Involves facilitating and coordinating work-related behaviors and decision making.
Relations-Orientated Role Involves fostering team-centered attitudes, behaviors, emotions, and social interactions.
Self-Orientated Role Involves the person's self centered attitudes, behaviors, and decisions that are at the expense of the team or group.
Fault Lines The process by which teams divide themselves into subgroups based on one or more attributes.
Norms The rules and patterns of behaviors that are accepted and expected by members of a team or whole organization.
Compliance Conformity Occurs when a person's behavior reflects the team's desired behavior because of real or imagined pressure.
Personal Acceptance Conformity The individuals behavior and attitudes are consistent with the team's norms and goals.
Cohesiveness The strength of the members' desire to remain in a team and their commitment to it.
Groupthink An agreement-at-any-cost mentality that results in ineffective group or team decision making and poor decisions.
Illusion of Invulnerability Creates excessive optimism and encourages extreme risk taking.
Collective Rationalization Discounts warnings that might lead the members to reconsider their assumptions before committing themselves to major policy decisions.
Unquestioned Belief Leads the members to ignore the ethical or moral consequences of their decisions.
Stereotypical Views View other groups as too stupid or evil to negotiate with or counter to defeat their purpose.
Direct Pressure Exerted on any member who expresses strong arguments against any of the team's illusions, stereotypes, or commitments.
Self -Censorship Reflects the inclination of members to minimize the importance of their doubts and not present counterarguments.
Shared Illusion of Unanimity Reinforced by the false assumption that silence implies consent.
Self-Appointed Mind-Guard Serves to protect the team from adverse information that might shatter the shared complacency about the effectiveness and morality of their decision.
Free Rider An individual who obtains benefits from membership but does not contribute much to achieving the team's goals.
Sucker Effect Refers to one or more individuals in the team deciding to withhold effort in the belief that others (the free riders) are planning to withhold effort.
Bad Apples Effect Refers to negative team or group members who withhold effort, express negative feelings and attitudes, and violate important team norms and behaviors.
Created by: Shibishob
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