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Death & Dying

How does an infant or toddler (1-24 months) understand death? They do not understand death. They sense the parents reactions and can have a fear of seaparation.
What is the most important to provide in the care of an infant or toddler (1-24 months) old? Having parents and family present helps. Holding, use of soft tones & silence helps. Regulate pain via monitoring behavioral signs like fussy, crying...
Describe how a 3-4 year old might react to the death of a close family member? They see it as sleep.That death is reversible. No fear of death and generally don't grasp the permanance of death.
What questions might a 3-4 yr old ask about their deceased family member? Can I talk to them; Did I do something to make them mad; Where are they...
How should you respond to the 3-4yr old asking questions about their dead family member? Respond honestly and don't refer to death as sleep.
What would be appropriate interventions for a preschool child (3-6 years old) who is dying? Use simple language; Facilitate contact; Direct care from parents; Help them express fears; and Releive pain
Play activities can help deal with ____ in a child who is dying? deal with fears
Drawing helps express ____? feelings
Keep a regular routine; use of distractions like fairy tales and stories; and using message are all things that you can do to help a dying pt in what age group? 3-6yrs old
At what age do most children begin to develop an adult concept of death? That death is ___? 9-12yrs That death is final
What behaviors might you see in school-age children that helps them understand death? growing pets & flowers dying; burrying these animals. Their expressing sadness over their loss...Might express fear of falling asleep. Grim Reaper fear
As a nurse help pt express feelings, provide non threating veiws of death and it is important to listen to the parents are all nursing interventions for what age group? 9-12 yrs.
What age group has the most difficulty coping with death-particullary their own? Why? Adldolecent- It goes against the things that they think are important like appearance. They think that they will live forever it is suppose to be the healhtiest time of life.
It is important to direct questions to the pt and not just the parents; to reinforce that they are not going to be abandonded; Treat them as a whole person; Help them deal with their feelings are all nursing interventions for what age group? Aldolecent
How might an aldolecent deal with their own demise? Angered; cheated out of life; denial; anxiety; not going to be able to fullfil their dreams...
Describe possible responses of siblings to the death of a brother or sister? Might think they caused it; grive & fear that that will get it; seeing them helps with anxiety; Jealousy of time they get with parents. Need to educate them about grief and death.
What are the grief stages? Denial; Anger; Sadness; Depression; Acceptance....They can go through these stages more than once
How can brothers and sisters be involved in their dying siblings care? Provide for physical needs for the sibling- encourage them; share info with them. assist in some care; play games like cards talk on phone; do hobbies and crafts with them . Do things that will help the dying sibling feel more normal.
How would you respond to parents who are considering not telling their 10 year old daughter that she is dying? Encourage open communication; Kids probably already know they are dying; Good things can come from being honest like helping them deal with unfinished buisness, that it will be more drepramental to relationship if not honest; It is ultimatly up to parents
If a child who is dying asks you as a nurse if they are dying what do you do? Be honest. Make sure the parents know that if their child asks you, you will not lie to the child if they ask you directly.
What are some issues and concerns parents with a dying child have? Who to contact with questions and concerns; Releaving pain; what to look for or what is going to happen
What is most often the primary concern of a parent with a dying child? Pain and comfort
What do you need to make sure a parent can do or expect to happen with their dying child? That the pulse will eventually become weak; mucus build up; How to provide care; That massage can help elviate pain; use of distraction that it is important to have normal play...
Why is a home care program beneficial for the child? For the family? comfort, familure surroundings; people can come and go; They tend to live longer; better berivement; more convenient and nurse is their to help as much as possible in their home.
Why is berievement better for the dying child and family if they are at home? Berivement is better becausee they have contributed to the care of the dying child and the child knows that they are loved. That it is okay to move on.
Created by: cgwayland
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