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Chapter 3

Organizational Behavior

Individual Differences The physical, personality, attitudinal, and emotional attributes that vary from one person to another.
Personality Represents the overall profile or combination of stable psychological attributes that capture the unique nature of a person.
Individualism The tendency of individuals to look after themselves and their immediate families.
Power Distance The extent to which individuals in a society accept status and power inequalities as a normal and functional aspect of life.
Uncertainty Avoidance The extent to which individuals rely on procedures and organizations (including government) to avoid ambiguity, unpredictability, and risk.
Gender Role Orientation The extent to which a society reinforces, or does not reinforce, traditional notions of masculinity versus femininity.
Long-term Orientation The extent to which the society embraces the virtues oriented toward future rewards
Personality Trait Refers to the basic components of personality.
Emotional Stability The degree to which a person is calm, secure, and free from persistent negative feelings
Agreeableness A person's ability to get along with others
Extraversion The degree to which a person seeks the company of others
Conscientiousness Is concerned with self-discipline, acting responsibly, and directing our behavior
Openness Describes imagination and creativity
Reliability Refers to how consistently a measure gets the same results
Validity Refers to how important the measure is to other things that are important
Self-Esteem The extent to which an individual believes that he or she is a worthwhile and deserving individual
Locus of Control The degree to which individuals believe that they can control events affecting them
Internal Locus of Control Believe that their own behavior and actions primarily, but not necessarily totally, determine many of the events in their lives
External Locus of Control Believe that chance, fate, or other individuals primarily determine what happens to them
Emotional Intelligence Refers to how well an individual handles oneself and others rather than how smart or how capable the individual is in terms of technical skills
Self-awareness Refers to recognizing one's emotions, strengths and limitations, and capabilities and how these affect others
Social Empathy Refers to sensing what others need in order for them to develop
Self-Motivation Refers to being results oriented and pursuing goals beyond what is requried
Social Skills Refer to the ability of an individual to influence others
Attitudes Relatively lasting feelings, thoughts, and behaviors aimed at specific individuals, groups, ideas, issues, or objects.
Hope Involves a person's mental willpower and way power to achieve goals.
Job Satisfaction Reflects the extent to which individuals find fulfillment in their work
Organizational commitment The strength of an employee's involvement in the organization and identification with it.
Emotions The complex patterns of feelings toward an object or person
Goal Refers to what an individual is trying to accomplish
Anticipatory Emotions Refer to the emotions that individuals believe they will feel after achievement of o failure to reach their goal.
Collectivism The tendency of people to emphasize their belonging to groups and to look after each other in exchange, for loyalty
Affective component of attitudes Teh feelings, sentiments, moods, and emotions about some specific person, idea, event, or object
Cognitive Component of Attitudes The thoughts, opinions, knowledge, or information held by the individual about a specific person, idea, event, or object
Behavioral Component of Attitudes The predisposition to act on a favorable or unfavorable evaluation to a specific person, idea, event, or object.
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