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English Final

Noun Person, Place or Thing
Common Nouns Not specific nouns
Proper Nouns Specific nouns. Always Capitalized
Verb Shows action
Linking Verb links the subject of the sentence to the predicate of the sentence
Helping Verbs Helps other verbs make sense.
Pronoun takes the place of a noun or a noun phrase
Adjective A word that describes a noun
Adverb describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb.
Interjection Expreses emotion
Conjunction word that joins words or groups of words
Prepositions show the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence
Commas help combine 2 separate sentences with conjunction
Semicolon replaces a comma and a conjunction to combine separate sentences
Sentence Fragments when the subject or predicate is missing from the sentence.
Transition Words Words or phrases that connect or tie ideas together
Narrator The person who is telling the story
Character person or animal that is part of the story
Mood Feelings the author wants to create in the reader
Protagonist Main character/ hero
Antagonist Character who fights against the main character/ villian
Point of view who is telling the story
First Person Point of View the narrator is a character in the story
Third Person Point of View narrator is not a character in the story
Speaker narrator of a poem
Tone Attitude or view point that an author than an author shows toward her/his subject
Simile Comparison using like or as
Metaphor Comparison not using like or as
Irony when the opposite of what you expect to happen happens
Hyperbole Extreme Exaggeration
Alliteration repetition of of beginning constant sound
Personification giving non-humans human like characteristics
Oxymoron a description that demonstrates what appears to be contradictory
Onomatopoeia words that sound like the noises they make
Imagery use of descriptive words to create a mental picture
Figurative Language language that goes beyond literal meaning
Foreshadowing a hint of event to come in the future of the story
Flashback interruption in a story for events that happened earlier
Symbolism something that stands for something else
Fiction literature that tells stories about characters, settings, and event made up- fake
Non-Fiction writing that tells about people and events that are real
Genre the type of literature
Conflict an issue, struggle,or a challenge that a character faces over the course of a story
Man v Man Character has an issue with another character
Man v Self Character has a problem with him/herself, inner struggle
Man v Society a character has a problem with rule or belief that is widely excepted by the majority of the the population
Man v Nature Character has a problem with a element of nature
Man v Fate/Destiny Character struggles with something he/she can't control
Exposition background information the author gives about the story
Rising Action Things begin happening, Story gets exciting
Climax most exciting part of the story
Falling Action Story begins to wrap up
Resolution the problem is solved as well as all minor conflicts
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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