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Thorax and vertibre

What is a dermatome? a section of skin intervated by a single nerve
what is a myotome? a group of muscles intervated by a single nerve
List parts of the vertebra Body, Pedical, Lamina, Sup/inf articulating process, transverse process, spinus process, vertebral arch.
what makes up the intervertibral arch? intervertibral notches
two ligaments dorsal to the vertibrae interspinus ligament, supraspinus ligament
Pars interarticularis part of the vertebrae located between the superior and inferior articulating process
describe the two longitudinal ligaments of the spine. anterior ligament widens as it descends posterior ligament does the opposite
yellow ligament ligamentum flavum connects the lamina of adjacent vertibrae
tectrial membrain
describe cervical vertibrae Transvers foreman, vertebral prominence(c7). Ligamentum nuchae,
bone that articulates with the occidental condyle atlas, has no body
Bone responsible for the greatest rotation in the spine Axis/dens
unique fetchers of the thoracic vertebrae superior, inferior, and transverse costal facet
ala What is the winged structure on the sides of the sacrum
sacral hiatus gap between the sacrum and the coccyx
cornu Horn like structure
covering of the sacral hiatus posterior sacral ligament.
increased curvature of the thoracic vertebrae kyphosis
lordosis greater curvature of the lumbar vertibrae
scoliosus lateral curvature of the spine
medulla oblongota where the spinal cord starts
spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord, pass through the intervertibral foreman
lumbar and cervical enlargmetns area of increased mater space due to larger spinal cord
order of the meningies dura mater, aracnoid matter, pia mater.
epidural sapace used for pain releafe
denticulate ligament teeth like structure that separates the dorsal and ventral roots
location of the conous medularous L2
what is the lumbar cistern? area of the sub acracnoid space after the conus medularus
where dose the filum terminale inturnous end S2
dorsal root ganglion a bundle of nerve body containing sensory nerves.
dorsal vs ventral ramus the nerves leaving directly from the spinal cord
rhizotomy cutting of the dorsal and ventral root in order to stop sensory or motor function
paravertibral ganglion
ostioperosis weakening of the bones often leading to increase chance of compression fractures.
sympathetic nervous system
parasympothetic nervous system
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