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final semester test


what measures time stop watch clock timing divice
what measures tempeture thermometer
what measures volume graduated cylinder beaker
what measures campacity graduated cylinder beaker
what measures weight spring scale
what measures area meter stick
matter everything around you
temperature how hot or cold somthing is
liguid particles pass each other easily
volume how much space something takes up
solid particles are locked together
gas particles are far apart
density the ability to float or sink
freezing point a change in state from a liquid to a solid
boiling point a change in state from a solid to a liquid
physical change changes in which the form or shape of a substance changes but the substance keeps its density
solubility the ability of a substance to dissolve when mixed with another
magnetic the ability for an object to attract to iron or steel
vareible is a condition or factor that changes in an investigation so the effects be observed
force a push or pull that causes an object to move stop or change direction
motion is the movement of an object
magnetism the pulling force of a magnet
pull a force that pulls objects together
push is a force that moves something saeway
pulley is a simple machine
transparent a material that allows almost all light to pass through it.
translucent material that allows some light to pass through it.
opaque materials that do not let any light through it.
stored energy energy stored in molecules.
electrical energy energy that consist of charged particles flowing through a conductor.
light energy energy that can be seen.
mechanical energy energy in an object due to its position or motion.
solar energy energy from the sun.
sound energy a type of energy that can be heard caused by vibrations.
thermal energy heat energy the energy of moving particles that produce heat.
wave the up and down movement of surface water.
wavelength the distance between a point on one wave and the identical point on the next wave
amplitude a measure of the amount of energy in a wave.
volume is the measure of how loud or soft a sound is
pitch the highness or lowness of a sound
frequency a measure of the number of waves that pass a point in a second
weathering the breaking down of rocks on earths surface into smaller pieces
erosion the process of moving sediment from one place to another
deposition the dropping or setting of eroded materials
sedimentary rock a type of rock that forms when layers of sediment are pressed together
friction the force that resists motion when two surfaces rub against each other
what is gravity the force from earth that pulls us down
what is the sun the star at the center of are solar system which keeps life sustanable
what is water is a liquid that all living things need
what is a scientist a person that studies and does experiments
Created by: Rainbow Tribe
Popular Earth Science sets




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