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Abdicate to give up a position, right, or power
Abjure to renounce upon oath
Abnegation renunciation; self-sacrifice; self-denial
Abrogate to abolish
Absolve pardon (an offense)
Accede to agree
Acclaim applaud; announce with great approval
Accolade award of merit
Acquiesce to accept or comply passively
Actuate motivate
Acumen mental keenness
Acute perceptive; keen; brief and severe
Addle to confuse (muddle); to become rotten: spoil
Adjuration solemn or desperate urging
Admonish to warn; to caution or reprimand; reprove
Affable approachable; friendly
Affiliation act of joining; state of being associated
Affliction state of distress; cause of suffering
Affront to insult; to cause offense to
Agglomeration process of collecting; a heap or cluster
Aggrandize to make larger or greater in power
Agnostic one who is skeptical of the existence of a god
Agog eager; keen; full of excitement or interest
Alacrity cheerful promptness; eagerness
Alcove nook; recess
Alimony payments made to an ex-spouse after divorce
Allay to calm; to ease; to pacify
Allegiance loyalty
Allegory story in which characters are used as symbols; fable; symbolic representation
Alleviate to relieve
Alloy (V) to mix; to make less pure; to lessen or to moderate
Allude to refer indirectly
Allusion an indirect reference
Altercation a heated dispute
Altruistic generous; concerned for others
Ambulatory able to walk about (not bedridden); itinerant: traveling from place to place <an itinerant soldier>
Ameliorate to improve <Many social workers have attempted to ameliorate the conditions of people living in the slums.>
Amenable agreeable, cooperative
Amiable friendly; pleasant; likable
Amicable friendly; agreeable
Amiss wrong; faulty
Amity friendship
Amnesty pardon
Amoral having no moral standards
Amorous strongly attracted to love; showing love
Amputate cut off part of body; prune
Amok or Amuck (ADV) in a state of rage
Amulet charm; talisman
Anarchist person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority
Anathema ban, curse; someone or something regarded as a curse
Ancillary accessory; auxiliary
Angular sharp-cornered
Animadversion critical remark <He resented the animadversions of his critics, particularly because he realized they were true.>
Animus hostile feeling or intent
Annals records; history
Anneal to strengthen or toughen by heating then cooling (reduce brittleness)
Annex attach; take possession of
Annihilate to destroy
Annotate to comment; to make explanatory notes
Annuity yearly allowance
Anodyne drug that relieves pain; opiate
Anoint to consecrate
Anomalous abnormal; irregular
Antagonism Hostility; active resistance
antecede to precede
Antecedents preceding events; coming before in place or time
Antediluvian antiquated; extremely ancient
Anthology collection of literary works by different authors
antipathy aversion; dislike <antipathy to standardized tests>
Antiquated obsolete; outdated
Antithesis exact opposite or direct contrast
Apathy lack of feeling or emotions; indifference
Aphasia loss of speech due to injury or illness
Aphorism a pithy maxim or a proverbial saying
Apiary a place where bees are kept
Aplomb poise; confidence; assurance <Gwen's aplomb in handling potentially embarrassing moments was legendary around the office.>
Apocalyptic prophetic; pertaining to revelations
Apocryphal untrue; made up <To impress his friends Tom invented apocryphal tales of his adventures in the big city.>
Apogee highest point
Apologist one who writes in defense of a cause or institution
Apostate one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs
Apothecary a pharmacy; a pharmacist
Created by: madhukar
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