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language arts final

poetry, vocab. , texts and writing

what is a metaphor comparing two things without using like or as
what is personification giving human like characteristics to an inanimate object
what is onomatopoeia The use of words whose sounds echo their meaning .examples would be boom and smack
what is assonance the repetition of a vowel sound in a sentence of non rhyming words
what is repetition the repeating of a phrase or word in a poem or text
what is alliteration two or more words using the same consonant is the first letter in a sentence of non rhyming words
what is a simile comparing two or more things using like or as
what is allusion referring to a famous person or place in a text
what is a hyperbole an exaggeration of something an example would be I'm so hungry I could eat a cow
what is an oxymoron two contradictory ideas within the same phrase
what is imagery using the five sences to describe something
how many lines are in a sonnet 14
what is the rhyme scheme of a sonnet ABABCDCD
how many syllables per line are there in a sonnet 10
what is a couplet two lines within a poem that rhyme with each other
what is enjambment a thought or sentence in a poem going on for more than one line
what is the poem Casey at the bat about by Ernest Lawrence Thayer it in about a really good baseball player during one game Strikes out
what is the poem Cinderella about by Sylvia Plath it is about a girl who is at a ball with scarlet heels and when the clock strikes 12 she is nervous
what is the poem there will come soft rains by Sara Teasdale about this poem is about how nature would not notice or not care if humankind perished
what is the poem the moment by Margaret Atwood about this poem is about how the earth claims that humans do not own it but it owns humans
what is mood the feeling the author gives to the reader
what is diction word choice
what does folorn mean pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely
what does convivial mean friendly lively and enjoyable
what does dwindle mean to diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength
what does Muse mean to be absorbed in fact
what does flimsy mean unstable
what does pendulum mean a pendulum is the thing that swings back and forth every seconds in a grandfather clock
what does recede mean to go or move back or further away from a previous position
what does subtly mean to be delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe
what does transition mean the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another
what does heady mean to be potent or intoxicating
what does agony mean a large amount of pain
what does reservior mean a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply
what does suppress mean to forcibly put an end to
what does improvise mean to make up on a whim
what does revert mean to return to a previous state or condition
what does perfunctorily mean performed admirably as a routine duty
what does redundant mean not or no longer needed or useful
what does righteous mean morally right or justifiable
what does simultaneous mean at the same time
what does translucent mean allowing light but not detailed images to pass through
what does culminate mean to reach a climax or point of highest development
what does prestigious mean inspiring respect and admiration
what does perception mean the ability to see hear or become aware of something through the senses
what does recessed mean to be temporarily suspended
what does terse mean to be abrupt for sparing in the use of words
what is dark they were and golden eyed by Ray Bradbury about it is that in the future where hundreds of people go to live on Mars and their skin turns dark and their eyes turn gold and they turned into a Martians
what is the only girl in the world for me by Bill Cosby about it is about Bill Cosby and his so called first love
what is it's not about the bike by Lance Armstrong about it is about Lance Armstrong and his nurse Latrice when he was going through cancer and how she helped him out a lot
what is an American childhood about by Annie Dillard it is about when Annie dillard was a kid she and her friends would throw snowballs with ice in them at cars and one day it broke a drivers windshield and he chased them and when he finally got them all he did was scold them
what is the writing process Prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, evaluating, publishing Pizza doesn't really even eat pepperonies
How do you show citations In parentheses you put tjhe authors last name or the article name and the page number at the end of the quote
How do you summarise You take out all of the unimportant details and just leave in the important parts
How do you paraphrase You put it in your own words while keeping it close to the same length as the original text
Created by: 32695
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