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Mrs. Lumpkin

Final Exam Vocab English

Appall to fill withy horror or amazement; to shock
Blasé uninterested; unexcited
Skeptical doubting or disbelieving
Brazen rudely bold
Impugn attack as false; doubt
Obsolescence no longer useful or in fashion
Pretext excuse to hide the real reason
Wan unnaturally pale, as from illness; weak or faint
wane to gradually decrease
Astute wise/sharp in judgment
Imperturbable not easily disturbed; unshakable; calm
Innate possessed from birth; inborn; inherent
Premise statement upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn
Profane showing contempt for God or sacred things
Unkempt not neat or tidy
Saturate to soak; to infuse
Exponential increasing rapidly
Obstinate stubborn
Prudent wise; careful
Amorous of or associated with love
Dexterity skill
Interloper an intruder
Mammoth huge
Provincial rural; relating tom a province
Proximity closeness
Sanctuary a place of safety; haven
Concise short; breif
Irrelevant not important; beside the point being discussed
Jubilant joyous; happy
Obscure unclear; hidden
Permeate to penetrate; to spread or flow throughout
Impliore to beg; to appeal to
Oratory speech; the act of speaking well
Prelude a preface
Subordinate of less importance
Convalesce to recover
Dregs the least valuable part
Fitful intermittent; sporatic
Incoherent unclear; disjointed
Octogenarian someone in his or her 80s
Respite a resty; a short break
Articulate well-spoken; clear
Cant a specific language or vocabulary
Immaterial irrelevant; not pertaining
Prestigious famous; notable
Repress to suppress; to control
Taut tight; tense
Pragmatic practical; down-to-earth
Writhe to wriggle
Aspirant a candidate
Flamboyant showy; ostentatious
Improvise make up on the spot
Impunity exemption from punishment
Indigent poor; destitute
Opportune favorable; suitable
Prodigy a phenomenon
Profound major; deep
Regatta a boat race
Succumb to yield; to submit
Created by: S732596
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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