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Final Test

Alexander Final

Abstract ADJ- theoretical; not concrete
Acquiescent ADJ- reluctantly agreeable; complaint
Benediction NOUN- good wishes; a blessing
Bolster VERB- to support; reinforce
Capitulate VERB- surrender; yield
Castigate VERB- scold; punish
Despot NOUN- tyrant
Discerning ADJ- insightful; perceptive
Esoteric ADJ- known to, or understood by, a limited group of people
Extemporaneous ADJ- done without planning; improvised
Abstract ADJ- theoretical; not concrete
Acquiescent ADJ- reluctantly agreeable; complaint
Benediction NOUN- good wishes; a blessing
Bolster VERB- to support; reinforce
Capitulate VERB- surrender; yield
Castigate VERB- scold; punish
Despot NOUN- tyrant
Discerning ADJ- insightful; perceptive
Esoteric ADJ- known to, or understood by, a limited group of people
Extemporaneous ADJ- done without planning; improvised
Fastidious ADJ- difficult to please
Flagrant ADJ- openly and obviously evil; glaring; conspicuous
Garrulous ADJ- very talkative; loquacious
Gullible ADJ- easily decieved
Hackneyed ADJ- unorignial; trite
Heinous ADJ- shockingly evil
Immutable ADJ- unable to change
Impetuous ADJ- taking sudden action; hasty; impulsive
Jocular ADJ- jocking; playful; jesting; witty
Judicious ADJ- wise; making good decisions
Kindle VERB- start a fire; ignite; arouse
Lethargic ADJ- tired; sluggish; drowsy
Loquacious ADJ- talkative
Malediction NOUN- evil speech; curse
Malign VERB- to say evil or harmful things about someone; defame; vilify
Neophyte NOUN- beginner
Nostalgic ADJ- wishing for a return to the way things used to be; longing for the past; homesick
Obscure ADJ- hazy; unfamiliar; difficult to understand
Onerous ADJ- burdensome; oppressive
Paltry ADJ- worthless; insignificant; petty
Obseqious ADJ- behaving like a meek, spineless servant; subservient; sycophantic
Mundane ADJ- ordinary, earthy( not spiritual); practical; temporary
Pithy ADJ- to the point; concise
Affable ADJ- friendly; easygoing
Obtuse ADJ- dull; blunt; unintelligent; lacking sharpness
Resign VERB- give in; acquiesce; relinquish
Serpintine ADJ- coiled; twisted; winding
Timorous ADJ- afraid
Vagrant NOUN- homeless person; wanderer
Precarious ADJ- risky; uncertian
Quandary NOUN- a state of confusion or doubt; dilemma
Rampant ADJ- unrestrained; widespread
Reticent ADJ- quiet; uncommunicative
Spurious ADJ- false; fake; misleading
Stoic NOUN- a person who shows no response to pleasure or pain; someone who is impassive
Terse ADJ- of few words; to the point; pithy
Trepidation NOUN- fear
Ubiquitous ADJ- exisiting everywhere at the same time
Unkempt ADJ- messy; sloppy
Usurp VERB- to seize or take over by force
Choler NOUN- anger
Despontent AADJ- feeling hopeless or depressed
Endorse VERB- promote; recommend
Fledgling NOUN- beginner
Gravity NOUN- seriousness
Impede VERB- get in the way; hinder
Myriad ADJ- large number; many
Relegate VERB- reduce or demote to an inferior place or position; banish
Anathema NOUN- religious curse, or the thing or person being cursed
Antithesis NOUN- opposite
Belie VERB- to give an impression that is the opposite of the way things really are; to misrepresent
Bombast NOUN- speech or wrtiting intended to impress the audience; pompous
Coalesce VERB- unite; grow together
Enervate VERB- sap the strength; weaken
Ethereal ADJ- heavenly fine; delicately beautiful
Evasive ADJ- tending to avoid giving direct answers
Furtive ADJ- sneaky; secretive
Hiatus NOUN- a gap; interruption; a break in community; a pause
Impasse NOUN- a situation from which you cannot escape; stalemate
Inscrutable ADJ- mysterious
Latent ADJ- existing but inactive, such as a certain quality; dormant; invisible
Magnate NOUN- person of great power
Vacuous ADJ- empty; stupid; purposeless
Veracity NOUN- truth
Waive VERB- to voluntarily abandon a lega lright; relinquish; postpone
Assail VERB- to attack with words or force
Wither VERB- to shrivel up or die; lose life or energy
Xenophobia NOUN- the fear or hatred of anything foreign
Yield VERB- give up; give in
Yoke VERB- to link; or join together; marry
Circumspect ADJ- cautious
Zealot NOUN- person with an extreme enthusiasm for a belief or activity; fanatic
Zenith NOUN- the highest point; apex
Acrimony NOUN- words or behavior filled with harshness or anger
Ambiguous ADJ- unclear; vague; having several possible interpretations
Desultory ADJ- lacking a plan; aimless
Beguile VERB- to cheat or deceive, usually through charm; to amuse
Bequeath VERB- to leave behind or hand down through a will; transmit
Capricious ADJ- unpredictable
Evasive ADJ- tending to avoid giving direct answers
Cloister NOUN- secluded or isolated from the outside world; also, a place of seclusion
Defame VERB- to say things harmful to a person's reputation; malign; vilify
Deride VERB- mafe fun of; ridicule
Fulminate VERB- to explode, either with sound or anger
Emulate VERB- imitate
Eccentric ADJ- different from most, especially in personality or behavior
Fallacious ADJ- false; misleading
Frugal ADJ- careful with money; thrifty
Gregarious ADJ- sociable; extroverted; enjoying companionship
Glutton NOUN- a person who consumes huge quantitites of food or drink; someone with great endurance
Heresy NOUN- an opinion expressed in defiance of generally accepted ideas
Homage NOUN- respect paid to someone or something; tribute; honor
Imminent ADJ- about to take place; happening soon
Incongrous ADJ- out of place
Ingenuous ADJ- naive; unsophisticated; inexperienced
Impair VERB- weaken in strength or value
Indigent ADJ- very poor
Intractable ADJ- stubborn; immovable
Jeopardy NOUN- the threat or possibility of danger
Juxtapose VERB- to place side-by-side
Marred ADJ- spoiled; scratched; blemished
Meager ADJ- small in size or amount; thin; weak
Laconic ADJ- quiet; of few words; terse
Levity NOUN- lightness; playfulness; jocularity
Mellifluous ADJ- smooth; sweetly flowing
Mendacity NOUN- a lie; false statement
Negligent ADJ- careless in a situation that could result in harm; neglectful
Mundane ADJ- ordinary, earthly (not spiritual); practical; temporary
Nurture VERB- provide care and support; nourish; train or educate
Optimist NOUN- someone who believes everything will turn out okay
Nuance NOUN- slight degree; shade of difference
Opulence NOUN- luxury; wealth; riches
Paragon NOUN- model of excellence; the best
Pervade VERB- to spread to every part
Phlegmatic ADJ- calm; unemotional
Obliterate VERB- remove or destroy completely; erase
Placate VERB- to appease; pacify; mollify
Ponderous ADJ- slow; weighty; labored
Prodigious ADJ- very large
Pacifist NOUN- a person who refuses to fight
Pernicious ADJ- destructive
Prudent ADJ- wise; shrewd; cautious
Reprove VERB- scold; criticize; disapprove of
Slough VERB- discard; cast off; shed
Platitude NOUN- dull; trite statement
Protract VERB- extend in time and space
Sonorous ADJ- loud, full in sound; booming
Succinct ADJ- short and to the point; concise
Tenuous ADJ- thin; flimsy
Vacillate VERB- move back and forth between choices, unable to decide
Rebuttal NOUN- denial or contradiction; arguement; refutation
Uniform ADJ- similar; consistent
Validate VERB- confirm; corroborate; support; sanction
Wane VERB- grow smaller
Wax VERB- grow gradually larger
Taciturn ADJ- quiet
Vapid ADJ- dull; boring; lacking flavor or spark
Sanguine ADJ- optimistic; cheerful
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