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Hematology 1

Hematology in Practice - Chapter 10

A typical blood picture in infectious mononucleosis is an absolute: Lymphocytosis without anemia and many reactive lymphocytes
A patient who presents with a low white cell count, thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzymes, and mulberry-like inclusions in the granulocytes is most likely suffering from: Human ehrlichiosis
Which of the following statements is common to most lipid storage diseases? They are caused by a missing metabolic enzyme.
What is an unusual complication that may occur in infectious mononucleosis? Hemolytic anemia
A patient who has a persist leukocytosis, Dohle bodies, and an elevated LAP score most likely has a: Leukemoid reaction
What pools of leukocytes are included in the typical white blood count? only cells freely circulating
What pools of cells is the first to arrive when extra granulocytes are needed in the tissues? Those: that are marginating.
What is the earliest identifiable cell in the granulocyte maturation sequence? myeloblast
What is the earliest stage of maturation where a neutrophil can be distinguished from an eosinophil? myelocyte
What neutrophils are capable of chemotaxis? band
A segmented neutrophil performs all of the following: chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and pinocytosis
A segmented neutrophil can NOT perform: mitosis
What cells are described as a large cell with abundant cytoplasm containing minute granules, lacy chromatin, and an indented or curved nucleus? Monocyte
Which cells are normally produced in multiple sites including the bone marrow, and thymus? Lymphocytes
B cells and T cells are subgroups of what cell type? Lymphocytes
Lymphocytes become transformed when they are: being stimulated by an antigen.
An autosomal disorder that manifests itself with large lysosomal inclusions, recurring infections, and albinism: Chediak-Higashi
Pelger-Huet anomaly is characterized mainly by: Hyposegmentation of the nucleus is the neutrophils
Dohle bodies consist of: Ribosomal RNA
All of the following are lipid storage syndromes/diseases: Gaucher's disease, Tay-Sachs disease, and Niemann-Pick disease
This is not a lipid storage syndrome/disease: Chediak-Higashi syndrome
What inclusions are more likely seen only in the bone marrow? Morulae from Ehrlichia infections
In what condition are monocytes increased? Tuberculosis
What is the causative agent in infectious mononucleosis? EBV
The process of ingesting, digesting, and killing bacteria is termed: Phagocytosis
Qualitative changes in the white blood cell include all of the following: Toxic granulation, toxic vacuolization, and dohle bodies
Qualitative changes in the white blood cell does NOT include: Gaucher's cells
A 17 year-old boy is admitted to the hospital for a fever of unknown origin. His WBC is 20.0 x 10^9/L. All of the following can be seen on his peripheral smear: toxic granulation, increased band neutrophils, dohle bodies DO NOT see: reactive monocytes
Opsonization of neutrophils is defined as: preparing neutrophils to be ingested
All of the following are mechanisms by which neutropenia is usually produced: decreased production by the bone marrow, impaired release from the bone marrow to the blood, and increased destruction
The mechanism by which neutropenia is NOT usually produced: bacterial infection
Created by: Megan Hohenberg
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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