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Lesson25 English Voc

Lesson 25 English Vocab.

aloof adjective not emotionally involved; not interested; emotionally distant
aloof adverb at a distance; not involved; apart
decreased noun dead person or persons
deceased adjective dead
derisive scornful; mocking
intensinve showing or requiring great effort, force, or attention; thorough
murky dark, gloomy, or hard to see through
nimble moving lightly and quickly
phenomenal very unusual; extraordinary
pivot noun 1. the pin or shaft on which a thing turns
pivot noun 2. a turning movement
pivot verb to turn on, or as if on, a pivot
repel 1. to drive back or away; to resist or refuse
repel 2. to cause like or disgust
secretive keeping one's thoughts, feelings, or actions from others
squabble noun a noisy quarrel about something unimportant
squabble verb to take part in a squabble
superficial 1. not deep; on the surface
superficial 2. not thorough; incomplete;concerned with or understanding only what is on the surface or most obvious
unearth 1. to dig up from out of the earth
unearth 2. to find out by searching ot studying; to discover
veranda an open, roofed porch along one or more sides of the a building
wearisome causing weariness or boredom;tiring or tiresome
Created by: s730652
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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