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Junior Spring Final

Amenity (n.) that which is pleasant or agreeable; (pl.) attractive features, customs, etc. unpleasantness, disagreeableness
Convivial adj. festive, sociable, having fun together, genial fun-loving, jovial, merry dour, grim, sullen, unsociable
Coup a highly successful stroke, masterstroke, tour de force, act, plan, or stratagem; a sudden takeover of power or leadership blunder, faux pas, gaffe
Demur v. to object or take exception to; n. an objection protest, object to v. assent to, consent to, accept, agree to
Devious (adj) Straying or wandering from a straight ot direct course; done or acting in a shifty or underhanded way roundabout, indirect, tricky, sly, artful direct, straightforward, open, aboveboard
Espouse to take up and support; to become attached to, adopt; to marry embrace, wed repudiate, disavow, renounce
Eulogy n. a formal statement of commendation; high praise panegyric, encomium, tribute, testimonial philippic, diatribe, invective
Euphemism a mild or inoffensive expression used in place of a harsh or unpleasant one; a substitute
Fiat n. an arbitrary order or decree; a command or act of will or consciousness edict, dictum, ukase
Figment n. a fabrication of the mind; an arbitrary notion creation, invention, fancy
Histrionic (adj) Pertaining to actors and their techniques; theatrical, artificial; melodramatic affected, stagy low-keyed, muted, untheatrical, subdued
Juggernaut adj. a massive and inescapable force or object that crushes whatever is in its path
Moratorium a suspension of activity; an official waiting period; an authorized period of delay postponement, stoppage acceleration, escalation
Motif n. a principal idea, feature, theme or element; a repeated dominant figure in a design
Myopic (adj) Nearsighted; lacking a broad, realistic view of a situation; lacking foresight or discernment shortsighted farsighted
Nadir the lowest point rock bottom apex, pinnacle, zentith
Picayune adj. of little value or importance, paltry, measly; concerned with trifling matters, small-minded inconsequential, piddling, trifling important, significant, huge, gigantic
Plaintive expressive of sorrow or woe, melancholy sad, doleful, lugubrious cheerful, blithe, joyous, merry
Portend v. to indicate beforehand that something is about to happen; to give advance warning of bode, foretell, foreshadow, suggest
Primordial adj. developed or created at the very beginning; going back to the most ancient times or earliest stage; fundamental, basic original, primeval, primal
Progeny (n.) descendants, offspring, children, followers, disciples issue, posterity ancestors, forebears, antecedents
Raze v. to tear down, destroy completely; to cut or scrape off or out pull down, demolish, shave off build, construct, raise, erect
Temporize (v.) to stall or act evasively in order to gain time, avoid a confrontation, or postpone a decision; to compromise hedge, dillydally, procrastinate
Asperity n. roughness, severity; bitterness or tartness rigor, harshness mildness, blandness, softness, lenience
Abrogate v. to repeal, cancel, declare null and void annul, revoke reaffirm, renew, ratify
Created by: brettmach1
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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