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Figures Of Speech

Anaphora repetition of the same word or words beginning two or more lines of poetry
Antithesis a parallel structure containing opposing ideas
Apostrophe addressing someone absent or dead or something that is not able to speak as if it could reply
Hyperbole an exaggeration in the service of truth
metaphor the implied comparison of two unlike things EX: In lust they burn...
litotes affirming by negating (Not unamazed she thus in answer spake)
Chiamus a second part that is balanced with the first part, but the parts are reversed syntactically
Epithet adjective, noun, or noun phrase that points out the characteristic of a thing or person and becomes a substitute for the name of the thing or person. (Kenning).
Isocolon parallel balance of phrases and clauses
Meiosis understatement for purpose of humor and satire
Oxymoron self-contradictory yoking together of words or smaller combinations. (Jumbo Shrimp)(darkness visible)
Paradox an apparent contradiction that is nevertheless true
Personification the attribution of human characteristics to human non-human things.
Polyptoton repetition in proximity of words with the same roots but are different forms of the word or have different pre/suffixes. EX: His Fierceness if the fierce intent it brought.
Simile using "like" or "as" to compare
Zeugma a verb governing two objects with a change of meaning in the verb because of the objects
Figures Of Speech saying one thing and meaning another
Created by: Tbw18
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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