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8 - G&L Examples 8

Greek & Latin Roots Unit 8 Examples

mandatory something that is required
commander a leader of a group, such as military troops
demand to forcefully state something
negative antonym of positive
negligible a very small amount, almost none
original the first
origin the beginning
tribune a representative elected by Roman commoners for their assembly
distribute to give out
abnegation self-denial, a state of not allowing yourself to have something
contribute to give to something
commandment a rule, especially found in the Bible
microscope a tool for examining very small objects
microphone a tool for making sounds louder and easier to hear
microorganism a living creature too small to be seen with just the eyes
credible believable
creed a statement of beliefs
reprimand to speak in an angry and critical way to someone about something that has been done wrong
sacred something believed to be holy or held in reverence
incredulous feeling or showing a lack of belief
minimum the smallest allowable amount
minority the smaller group
justify to provide a reason
jury a group of people chosen to decide innocence or guilt in a court case
judicial of or relating to courts of laws or judges
minute a small period of time, sixty of which make up an hour
neglect to not provide with proper care or attention
credit recognition given for something done right
mortician a person who prepares dead bodies for burial
mortuary of or relating to death, often referring to a place
mortal the quality of being able to die
captain the leader or "head" of a ship
decapitate to remove someone's head
capital an uppercase letter, or the part at the top of a column
immortality the state or condition of not being able to die, being able to live forever
postmortem having to do with after death
Created by: daiseymd
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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