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Medical Terminology

Unit 4

AOA American Osteopathic Association
C1 - C7 cervical vertebrae 1-7
CPD cephalopelvic disproportion (can lead to serious complications during delivery)
CXR chest x- ray
cysto cystoscopy
DDS doctor of dental surgery (dentist)
DO doctor of osteopathy
DTs delirium tremens
FAS fetal alchohol syndrome
Fx fracture
H2O water
L1 - L5 lumbar vertebrae 1-5
LLQ left lower quadrant (abdomen)
LUQ left upper quadrant (abdomen)
OA osteoarthritis
OMT osteopathic manipulative therapy
ORTHO (ORTH) orthopedics (orthopedist)
PT physical therapy (therapist)
RA rheumatoid arthritis
RLQ right lower quadrant (abdomen)
RUQ right upper quadrant (abdomen)
T1 - T12 thoracic vertebrae 1-12
abdomen belly area / cavity below the thorax
abdominocentesis surgical puncture of the abdoment to remove fluid
abduct move away form the midline (v)
abduction movement away from the midline (arm abducted from side)
aberrant wandering from normal location, process, or behavior
abnormal deviating form the average or expected
addiction habitual attraction, may include physical dependence
adhesions tissues grown together that are normally separate
amniocentesis surgical puncture of the amnion to obtain cells for testing
arthritis inflammation of a joint
arthroplasty surgical repair or reconstruction of a joint
arthroscope instrument used to look into a joint
arthroscopy process of using an arthroscope to examine a joint
arthrotomy incision into a joint
antiarthritic a medication used to treat arthritis
Bursa Latin means purse or bag
bursa serous sac between a tendon and bone (pl. bursae)
bursectomy excision of a bursa
bursitis inflammation of a bursa
cardiocentesis surgical puncture of the heart to remove fluid
chondralgia/-dynia cartilage pain
chondrectomy excision of cartilage
chondrocostal pertaining to cartilage and rib
costochondral pertaining to cartilage and rib
costectomy excision of a rib
cystocele herniation of the urinary bladder (into the vagina)
cystoplasty surgical repair of the urinary bladder
cystoscopy process of examining the bladder using a scope
cystotomy incision into the urinary bladder
dentalgia tooth pain
dentist specialist in care of teeth
dentoid resembling a tooth
dysplasia poor or defective development
etiology study of the origin of a disease
fascia tissue that connects muscle to muscle
hydrocele serous fluid accumulation in a saclike cavity (testicular hernia)
hydrocephalus fluid in the skull causing deformity and brain damage
hydrocyst fluid-filled sac
hydrophobia abnomal fear of water; rabies
hydrotherapy therapy using water
hypoplasia deficient development
hyperplasia abnomally increased development referring to quantity of cells
hyperchondriac below the cartilage
interchondral pertaining to between the cartilage (intercartilaginous)
intercostal pertaining to between the ribs (muscles assist in breathing)
interdental pertaining to between the teeth
ligament tissue that connects bone to bone and supports visceral organs
lumbar pertaining to the lower back, between the thorax and sacrum
meniscectomy excision of the meniscus of the knee
myeloblast bone marrow germ cell
myelocytic pertaining to myelocytes
myelocele herniation of the spinal cord
meningomyelocele herniation of the spinal cord and the meninges
myelocytes bone marrow cells
myelodysplasia defective development of the bone marrow
orthodontics dental practice of straightening teeth
orthodontist dentist specializing in straightening teeth
orthopedist physician specialist in treatment of skeletal and joint disorders; specialist who treats fractures
orthotics pertaining to appliances used to support muscoloskeletal system
orthotist specialist who develops and assists patients with orthotics
osteitis inflammation of the bone
osteoarthritis inflammation and destruction of the bone and joint tissue (OA)
osteoarthropathy disease of bone and joint
osteochondritis inflammation of the bone and cartilage
osteoma bone tumor
osteomalacia softening of the bone
osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone and bone marrow
osteopathic pertaining to the practice of osteopathic physicians or bone disease
osteopathy disease of the bones
osteopenia loss of bone
osteoporosis porous condition of the bone due to deterioration of bone matrix
osteosarcoma cancer of the bone
pelvis he bony structure including the ilium, ischium, pubis, sacrum, and coccyx
pericardium around the heart (membrane)
periodontal around the tooth
periodontist dentist specializing in treatment of diseased tissue around the teeth
periosteum around the bone (membrane)
prosthesis artificial limb or other body part replacement
prosthetics pertaining to the prostheses
prosthetist specialist who develops and assists patients with prostheses
pubic pertaining to the pubis, bone in the lower anterior pelvis
pelvimetry taking pelvic measurements (to find a woman's pelvic size)
supracostal above th ribs
supracranial above or on top of the skull
supralumbar above the lumbar spine
suprapubic above the pubis
tenalgia, tenodynia tendon pain
tendinitis inflammation of a tendon
tendon tissue that connects muscle to bone
tendinoplasty surgical repair of a tendon
tenoplasty surgical repair of a tendon
tendoplasty surgical repair of a tendon
thoracocentesis surgical puncture of the thorax to remove fluid
thoracentesis surgical puncture of the thorax to remove fluid
thoracolumbar pertaining to the chest and lower spine
thoracometer instrument used to measure the chest
thoracopathy disease of the chest
thoracotomy incision into the thorax
thorax chest, area of the back posterior to the chest (pl. throaces)
Rheumatoid Greek for resembling discharge or fluid
Created by: sbradley1
Popular Medical sets




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