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Literary Terms

6th Grade Reading

Alliteration The repetition of the same or very similar consonant sounds in words that are close together
Figurative Language Language that describes one thing in terms of something else and is not literally true, such as a simile, metaphor, hyperbole and personification.
Hyperbole A type of figurative language which is an exaggeration or over-statement for effect, not meant to be taken literally.
Metaphor A comparison between two unlike things in which one thing becomes another thing.
Onomatopoeia The use of a word whose sound imitates or suggests its meaning.
Personification A special kind of metaphor in which a non-human or non-living thing or quality is talked about as if it were human or alive.
Simile A comparison between two or more unlike things using words such as "like," "as," "than" or resembles.
Drama A story or play written to be acted out in front of an audience.
Autobiography A writer's account of his or her own life, written from the first person point of view.
Fantasy Imaginative writing that carries the reader into an invented world where the laws of nature as we know them do not operate.
Myth A story that usually explains something about the world and involves gods and superheroes.
Biography The story of a person's life written in the third-person point of view by another person.
Fiction Writing that is made up rather than true.
Short story A fictional writing that is about five to twenty pages long.
Fable A very brief story that teaches a moral; a practical lesson about how to succeed in life.
Essay A short piece of non-fiction writing.
Genre A kind; sort; type of literature such as modern realistic fiction, science fiction, biography, autobiography, fairy tale, tall tale, myth, legend, etc.
Non-fiction Writing that deals with real people, events, and places without changing any facts.
Tall tale An exaggerated, fanciful story that gets more and more far-fetched or unbelievable the more it is told and retold.
Novel A long fictional story that is usually more than one hundred pages in length.
Complications Part of the rising action where problems create interest or suspense for the reader.
Resolution The final part of the story when the characters' problems are solved and the story ends...
Exposition The part of the plot that tells who the characters are and what their problem or conflict is...
Rising Action The part of the plot that includes all the complications which lead to the climax of the story...
Falling Action The events in a plot which occur after the climax but before the resolution...
Plot The series of events that make up a story...
Climax The point in the plot where the outcome of the conflict is decided one way or another; the most exciting moment in the story...
Omniscient The point of view that is all-knowing in which the narrator knows everything about characters and their problems of past, present and future.
Inferrence An educated guess about something the author has not directly stated, based upon evidence, clues or experiences.
Compare When you look for similarities or ways things are alike.
First Person One of the characters, using the personal pronoun "I" in telling the story.
Summary A short retelling of the author's main points in your own words, focusing on the most important ideas.
Contrast When you look for differences or how things are unlike others.
Predicting Looking for clues that the writer gives you to guess what will happen next.
Characterization Creating and developing a character using narration, dialogue, and description
External Conflict A conflict with an outside force
Character An imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play, film, or story)
Protagonist The main character in a story, often the good or heroic type
Internal Conflict A struggle that takes place within a person's mind
Dialogue The conversation carried on by the characters in a literary work
Antagonist The bad guy or villain in a story, play, or movie
Opinion An expression of a personal belief or feeling but cannot be proven to be true or false.
Author's Purpose The author's reason for writing which may be to persuade, to inform or to entertain.
Sequence of Events Chronological or time order of events in a story.
Cause The reason something happens whch occurs first or prior to the result.
Setting The time and place of a story, a poem or a play.
Effect What happens as a result of or after an event.
Flashback A scene that breaks the normal time order or sequence of events to show a past event.
Foreshadowing The use of clues or hints to suggest events that occur later in the plot.
Theme A truth about life revealed in a work of literature, the message about life which the author wants to tell or show the reader.
Created by: Reading Knox
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