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Central Ideas 11-15

Colossal huge;enormous; gigantic; mammoth, vast
Commodious spacious and comfortable; roomy; ample; not confining
Gamut entire range of anything, as of musical notes, emotions, etc.
Infinite without ends of limits; boundless; endless; inexhaustible
Infinitesimal so small as to be almost nothing; immeasurably small; very minute
Inflate swell up with air or gas; expand; puff up
Inordinate much too great; not kept within reasonable bounds; excessive; immoderate
Iota very small quantity; infinitesimal amount; bit
Magnitude size; greatness; largeness; importance
Picayune concerned with trifling matters; petty; small; of little value
Pittance small amount; meager wage or allowance
Puny slight or inferior in size, power, or importance; weak; insignificant
Superabundance great abundance; surplus; excess
Debilitate impair the strength of; enfeeble; weaken
Decadent marked by decay or decline; falling off; declining; deteriorating
Decrepit broken down or weakened by old age or use; worn out
Dilapidated falling to pieces; decayed; partly ruined or decayed through neglect
Enervate lessen the vigor or strength of; weaken; enfeeble
Flimsy lacking strength or solidity; frail; unsubstantial
Frail not very strong; weak; fragile
Incapacitate render incapable or unfit; disable; paralyze
Infirmity weakness; feebleness; frailty
Bulwark wall-like defensive structure; rampart; defense; protection; safeguard
Citadel Fortress; stronghold
Cogent forcible; compelling; powerful; convincing
Dynamic forceful; energetic; active
Formidable exciting fear by reason of strength, size, difficulty, etc.; hard to overcome; to be dreaded
Forte strong point; that which one does with excellence
Impregnable incapable of being taken by assault; unconquerable; invincible
invigorate give vigor to; fill with life and energy; strengthen; enliven
Robust strong and healthy; vigorous; sturdy; sound
Tenacious holding fast or tending to hold fast; unyielding; stubborn; strong
Vehement showing strong feeling; forceful; violent; furious
Vigor active strength or force; energy
Default failure to do something required; neglect; negligence; failure to meet a financial obligation
Default fail to pay or appear when due
Heedless not taking heed; inattentive; careless; thoughtless; unmindful; reckless
Ignore refuse to take notice of; disregard; overlook
Inadvertent heedless; thoughtless; careless
Neglect give little or no attention to; leave undone; disregard
Neglect lack of proper care or attention; disregard; negligence
Remiss negligent; careless; lax
Sloven untidy person
Slovenly negligent of neatness or order in pone's dress, habits, work, etc.; slipshod; sloppy
Discreet showing good judgement in speech and action; wisely cautious
Heed take notice of; give careful attention to; mind
Meticulous extremely or excessively careful about small details; fussy
Scrupulous having painstaking regard for what is right; conscientious; honest; strict; precise
Scrutinize examine closely; inspect
Solicitude anxious or excessive care; concern; anxiety
Vigilance alert watchfulness to discover and avoid danger; alertness; caution; watchfulness
Wary on one's guard against danger, deception, etc.; cautious, vigilant
Created by: Grace Filpi
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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