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Effects of Infant Deprivation Low tone, weight & immune function. Poor language, socialization & trust. Depression
Violating social norms +/- criminality Kids: Conduct disorder Adults: Antisocial Personality Disorder
Noncompliant children, but not criminal. Oppositional defiant disorder
Asperger's v. Autism Asperger's:Social disorder, repetitive behavior. Autism: Social disorder, repetitive behavior, below-normal intelligence (+/- savants)
Rett's Disorder X-linked. Female only. Loss of development + MR @ 4 YO. Sterotyped handwriting
Childhood disintegrative disorder Regression after 2+ years of normal development. Loss of language, social, adaptivity, GI function, play, motor skills. Onset @2-10 yo.
Lack of awareness that one is ill Anosonosia
Inability to locate own body parts Autotopagnosia
Dissociation/impersonalization from body Depersonalization
Dissociative Fuge Abrupt change in location & can't recall past or personal identity. Change of identity. Not associated w/drugs or medical condition.
HypnaGOgic/Hypnopompic Hallucination Hallucinations occur while GOing to sleep/Waking up from sleep
Schizophrenia v Schizophreniform v Schizoaffective v Schizotypal v Schizoid SCHIZOPHRENIA:6 mos+ SCHIZOPHRENIFORM D.: Schizophrenia Sx for 1 to 6mos BRIEF PSYCHOTIC D: Schizophrenia Sx less than 1mo SCHIZOAFFECTIVE: Schizophrenia + Mood Disorder(manic or depressive) SCHIZOTYPAL: Eccentric,awkward. SCHIZOID:social withdrawal
Schizophrenia Subtypes PARANOID: Good prognosis, less severe & less (-) DISORGANIZED: Incoherence, inappropriate affect CATATONIC: Catatonic stupor, unresponsive Residual: Primarily negative sx
Mania Characteristics 3+ of: Distractability, Irresponsibility, Grandiosity, Flight of ideas, Agitation/Activity, Sleeps less, Talkative
Depression 5+ of: Depression+ SIGECAPS- Sleep disturbance, Interest loss, Guilt/worthless, Energy loss, Concentration loss, Anhedonia, Psychomotor retardation, Suicidal
Dysthymia v. Cyclothymic Disorder Dysthymia: mild depression for 2+ years v. Mild bipolar for 2+ yrs
Sleep in Depression: More REM & earlier REM. More nighttime wakenings & early awakening. Less slow-wave sleep.
Adjustment Disorder v. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Adjustment D. has an identifiable stressor, <6 mos duration. GAD has an unidentified stressor & >6 mos duration.
Primary gain Getting attention
Secondary gain Getting financial/other personal benefit
False belief of being pregnant associated w/ objective physical signs of pregnancy. Somatoform (unconscious) disorder Pseudocyesis
Paranoid Personality Disorder Projection is primary defense mech.
BMI Diagnoses Kg/m^2. Underweight: <19, Normal: 19-25, Overweight: 25-30, Obese: 30-40, Morbidly Obese: 40+
Substance DEPENDENCE (3/7) Tolerance, withdrawal, Large amounts & for more time, Persistent desire to cut down, overwhelms time & energy spent, Occupation/Social life suffers, use despite awareness of it being a problem
Substance ABUSE (4) Failure to fulfil obligations, Physically hazardous circumstances, Legal problems, Continued use despite problems it causes
Alcohol Abuse Gamma-glutamyltransferase: sensitive alcohol consumption marker
PCP Abuse Belligerence, violence. Vertical nystagmus, fever.
LSD Pupillary dilation, anxiety
Barbituates v. Benzodiazepines Barbituates have low safety margin-> respiratory depression. Benzos have higher safety margin.
Alcohol Withdrawal Sx 1. Anxiety, tremor, nystagmus, elevated HR, BP, temp, Gran Mal Seizures. 2. Delirium Tremens @ day 3: CARDIAC ARYTHMIAS, Delirium, hallucinations, autonomic hyperactivity
IQ Test Objective. SD is 15 pts off 100. MR<70, Severe MR <40. Profound MR<20. Stanford-Binet: IQ is mental age/chronological age x 100. Weschler: 11 subsets of verbal & performance categories.
Classical conditioning Learned response to a stimulus. Pavlov.
Operant Conditioning Certain behavior elicited b/c reward given. (+) reinforcement: action -> reward. (-) reinforcement: Action -> avoids aversive stimulus. Punishment: Unwanted behavior extinguised by use of punishment.
Transference & Countertransference Patient equates physician to other important person from patient's past (parent). Countertransference is emotional involvement with patient at detriment of clinical relationship.
Id, Ego, Superego Id: instinctual urges, Superego: values, conscience. Ego: mediator between the 2.
Oedipus complex Sexual feelings toward opposite sex parent, rivalry w/ same-sex parent.
Mature Defenses Sublimation, Altruism, Suppression, Humor
Dissociation defense Temporary & drastic change to personality, consciousness motor behavior to avoid emotional stress. -> -> Multiple personalities
Fixation Partially remaining at a more childish level (ie-sports games). vs regression.
Isolation Separating feelings from events (ie-describing murder w/o emotion)
Projection Internal desire/impulse transferred to another person
Reaction formation A warded-off idea/action is replaced by it's opposite
Splitting People either all good or all bad
Anorexia/bulimia tx SSRIs
Alcohol withdrawal tx Benzodiazepines
Anxiety tx Barbituates/Benzodiazepines, Buspirone, MAO inhibitors
ADHD tx Methyplhenidate, Amphetamines
Bipolar tx Lithium, Valproic acid, carbamazepine
Depression w/ insomnia tx Trazodone, Mirtazapine
Panic Disorder tx TCAs, Buspirone
Extrapyramidal System Side Effects Dystonia (spasms) -> Akinesia (parkinsonian)-> Akathisia (restless) -> Tardive dyskinesia. Typical>Atypical Antipsychotics
Olanzapine indications Schizophrenia, OCD, Anxiety, Depression, Mania, tourettes.
Clozapine SE Agranulocytosis
Atypical Antipsychotics Clozapine, Olanzapine, Quietapine, Risiperidone, Ziprasidone, Aripiprazole.
Typical Antipsychotics Haloperidol+ azines. Chlorpromazine & Thioridazine are low-potency D2 antagonists.
SSRIs Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Paroxetine, Citalopram
TCAs Imipramine, Amitriptyline, Desipramine, Nortriptyline, Clomipramine, doxepin, amoxapine
Created by: Kyle Tiemeier
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