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Lesson 10 AW

adamant persistent, especially in maintaining an opinion or position
amorphous without definite shape or form
assiduous marked by careful attention
benediction a spoke blessing
castigate to severely punish or criticize
compunction distress over an awareness of guilt
covet to desire something strongly, usually something that belongs to another
deplore to feel grief over; to consider unfortunatate
discriminating able to distinguish the quality of something
egalitarian marked by the idea that things should be shared equally among people, especially with respect to weather and status
esteem the respect or regard in which one is held
facetious joking in an inappropriate way
garish excessibly or offensively bright in color or style
homogeneous having the same structure throughout
inchoate not completely formed yet; incoherent
innumerable too many in number to count
laconic using few words in speech, somethings to the point of seeming rude or mysterious
metaphor a figure of speech in which a word or phrase denoting one kid of object or idea is used in place of another in order to suggest their similarity
nuance s subtle difference in meaning, ton, or color
palatable having an agreeable taste; acceptable to the mind
personinification the representation of a thing or idea as a person
precursor something or someone that influences whatever follows; predecessor
prudent showing careful judgment
remonstrate to plead and give reasons in opposition
rudimentary not very advanced; basic
slavish serving or following someone or something like a slave
sublime of outstanding spiritual; intellectual; or moral value
thrifty frugal; economical
vagrant a person who wanders from place to place with no established residence or job
voluble talking easily and quickly; with many words
Created by: mapraschak
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