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Hydrology Vocabulary

Erosion The wearing away of land by wind or water
Deposition The buildup of a substance
Sediment Particles derived from rocks or biological materials due to erosion and weathering
Sedimentation The accumulation of sediments
Tributary A river or stream flowing into a larger body of water
Meander A winding bend or curve in a river
Drainage Basin The area of land that drains water, sediment, and dissolved materials to a common outlet
Alluvial Fan A deposit of sediment that's cone-shaped and is built up by streams or flowing water
Delta Thenearly flat and low tract of land at or near the mouth of a river due to accumulation of sediment
Water Table The level of groundwater
Ocean Current The way that a part of the ocean moves
Upwelling The process when water rises from a deep to a shallower depth, stirring the water and mixing the nutrients
Coriolis Effect A force that's a result of earth's rotation which deflects objects to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere
Shoreline The line along which a large body of water meets the land
Sea Level The long-term average position of the sea surface
Barrier Island A long and sandy island that runs parallel to a coastline and serves to protect the shore from erosion
Continental Shelf The area of seabed around a large landmass where the sea is relatively shallow compared with the open ocean
Continental Slope The incline or decline between the outer edge of the continental shelf and the deep ocean floor
Saturated Holding as much water or moisture as can be absorbed
Infiltration The penetration of water through the ground surface into sub-surface soil
NC River Basins North Carolina's land area drained by a river and its tributaries
Water Treatment Systems The industrial-scale processes that makes water more acceptable for an end-use
Water Cycle The process in which water circulates throughout Earth over and over again
Continental Rise The transitional area of the continental margin between the continental slope and abyssal plain
Abyssal Plain The broad, flat area of seafloor at the deepest part of an ocean basin
Seamount Conical mountain rising 1000 m or more above the sea floor
Contamination Introduction into water, air, and soil of microorganisms, chemicals, toxic substances, wastes, or wastewater in a concentration that makes the medium unfit for its next intended use
Porosity The ratio of the volume of the voids of a soil or rock mass that can be drained by gravity to the total volume of the mass
Permeability The rate at which liquids pass through soil or other materials in a specified direction
River Basin The land area drained by a river and its tributaries
Wetland Land consisting of marshes or swamps
Runoff The draining away of water from the surface of an area of land
Water Pollution The presence in water of harmful or objectionable material in sufficient quantity to measurably degrade water quality; Contamination of water
Surface Water All water naturally open to the atmosphere
Groundwater The supply of fresh water under the Earth's surface that forms a natural reservoir
Created by: tripha1222
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