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Medieval Test

Use this stack to help prepare for your test on the late medieval period.

Describe the symptoms of the Bubonic plague. Symptoms were swollen sores or Buboes that oozed a blackish-reddish rash, fever, coughing blood, and painful spasms.
What was the nickname for the Bubonic plague? "The Black Death"
About what percent of Europe's total population died from the plague? Over 50%
Where do researchers believe the plague began? Asia (Gobi Desert?)
How was the plague spread? It was most likely spread by the fleas that were common on both people animals (mainly rats).
Describe some of the negative effects of the plague. Millions of people died (1 out of every 2) Europe's economy was turned upside down people unfairly blamed the Jews and persecuted them
What was the positive effect of the plague? There were less peasant workers, so their work was seen as more valuable. This helped improve their lives, weakened the feudal system and changed European society.
Who is the leader of the Catholic Church? the Pope
How did the church influence the lives of average people? Priests were a source of education, inspiration, and leadership. churches were the strongest, and key, building and a place shelter and defense: fed the poor Church holy days were holidays of festivals and fun.
Describe the relationship between Henry II of England and Thomas Becket They were childhood friends. Becket was Henry's adviser until he was made the archbishop of Canterbury. They disagreed over church trials. Becket was murdered by Henry's men, but Henry felt really bad.
Describe the relationship between Henry IV of Germany and Pope Gregory VII. They argued over who had the power to appoint church leaders. Gregory excommunicated Henry IV and Henry had to walk barefoot in the winter to Rome to ask for forgiveness.
Define "excommunicate" To be kicked out of the church and to be denied grace and the fellowship of other christians
define "crusade" a crusade is a holy war; to fight for God
Why was Jerusalem important during the crusades? It is a holy city to Jews, Christians, and Muslims
Who called for the 1st Crusade? Pope Urban II called for a crusade to take back Jerusalem from the Muslim armies that had conquered it.
Why was the first Crusade considered the most successful? Christian armies were able to re-conquer Jerusalem and establish crusader kingdoms in the Holy Land.
What happened to the Children's Crusade? The children were sold off as slaves by European merchants.
What was the Magna Carta? It was a document that guaranteed the rights of nobles against the power of the king of England.
Why was the Magna Carta important? It decrease the power of the king, helped to establish the idea that people have rights and that that power of the government should be limited.
How did the Magna Carta limit the king's power? He could not tax the nobles without their agreement He could not arrest people and put them in jail without a trial Freemen had the right to a fair trial by their peers or equals
What is the Parliament? Parliament was group of nobles who make the laws of England. Later it was split into tow parts: The House of Lords and the House of Commons
Why was Parliament important? Parliament was an important step in moving away from having kings/queens to having representative (voting) governments like our own.
What was the Inquisition? It was a church court that put people on trial for heresy. People could be tortured or even killed
Define "heresy" heresy is anything that is considered to be a crime against God
What was guild? A guild was a union of people who practiced the same trade(job).
Describe the ways a guild works. Guilds are business groups that were to treat each member equally: Each member had to work same hours, charge same price, and not put each other out of business.
Describe the steps to becoming a master craftsman. Apprentice for 2-7 years with room and board, but no pay Journeyman worked under master’s instruction for a few more years but could sell his product. All must pass a test to become a master craftsman(create a master’s piece).
Describe the three field system. Peasants learned to grow more food by rotating crops on three fields instead of two. the rotation kept the soil fertile. One field was planted in the spring, one in the fall, and one was left un-planted. This way only 1/3 the land was left unused.
Why did the Middle Ages end? Towns and cities emerged where people could find work other than farming The fighting during Crusades weakened the power of the kings nobles After the plague, the peasants realized how valuable their service was and began to demand more rights.
Created by: oakshistory07



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