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PDX 2 Exam3 3 NWHSU

Loss of diamond shaped pubic hair distribution for males is too much ______. May be ______ disease, _______ problems, or _________ problems. too much estrogen liver disease pituitary or testicle problems
________ is accumulation of bacteria, urine, and cellular debris underneath the foreskin. Sometimes associated with phimosis and resulting irritation and inflammation. Smegma
________ and ________ are fluid filled masses in testicles that trasnilluminate with a pen light. Solid masses that are cancer do not transilluminate. Hydrocele or spermatocele
A _______ hernia strikes the palpating finger at __ degrees. An ________ hernia strikes the fingertip. This second one is most common. Direct hernia 90 degrees Indirect fingertips more common
_____ _____ ________ are protrusion of abdominal contents into internal ring of inguinal canal. Contents may remain in the canal, emerge through external ring, or extend downward into scrotal sac. Occurs more commonly than the other type of hernia. Indirect inguinal hernia (Bowel sounds will occur with indirect inguinal hernias
______ _______ _______ are protrusion of abdominal contents through the side of the inguinal tube. Usually in the region superior to the canal. Direct inguinal hernia
_______ _________ are protrusion of abdominal contents through the femoral canal below inguinal ligaments. It occurs more often in females and less common than inguinal hernias. Femoral hernia
Pain in the groin may originate locally ________. May be referred acute uretral obstruction _____ ______. Hernia Kidney stone
________ is when there is pain with urination with an inflamed urethra. Bladder trigone problems may refer to the tip of the penis. Inflammation of the glans penis under the foreskin is ___________. Urethritis Balanitis
________ is tightness of the foreskin. Results in an inability to retract it. Usually caused by adhesions of the prepuce to the underlying glands. This would be painful if there was an accumulation of ________ present. Phimosis Smegma
________ is a condition characterized by the inability to pull the foreskin forward from a retracted position. Glans i usually inflamed swollen and painful. Turtle neck is too tight. Paraphimosis
________ is an unwanted erection. This is common in adolescents. It is persistent and painful. Stagnant blood can cause infection. Priapism
_________ ________ is painful ulceration of the penis with swollen inguinal nodes. Some chlamydia infections cause this. May cause a "Bubo" (small red bump that is a swollen lymph node) lymphogranuloma Venereum
_________ is inflammation of the testes. Mumps and other virues are suspected. Inflammation of the epididymis is ______ (STD?). Referred pain from proximal ureter obstruction and ischemia cause by torsion of the spermatic cord can cause this referred pain Testes-Orchitis Epididymis-epididymitis Common with gonorrhea
_________ is a ventral curvature of the penis. Congenital anomaly caused by restrictive b and of tissue between the meatus and the glans. Usually associated with _________. Chordee hypospadias
_________ is a congenital defect in which the urinary meatus opens on the ventral aspect of the penis.Opening may be in the glans, penile shaft, scrotum, or perineum. hypospadias
________ is a congenital defect in which the urinary meatus opens on the dorsum of the penis. opening may be located on the glans, anywhere along the shaft, or extend in to the pubic symphysis. Epispadias
Testicular _______ can be unilateral or bilateral. It is ischemia from local inflammation or trauma when unilateral and it is hormonal if bilateral. Testicular atrophy
________ (________ ________) is inability to obtain or maintain an erection. Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction)
A painless oval or round penile sore with central ulceration suggests _______ _______. It is dull red, hard, insensitive lesion that is the first manifestation of ______. An ulcer located at the initial point of entry of a pathogen. Syphilitic Chancre Syphilis
Testicular tumors tend to be ______. Males 18-35 most commongly. Malignant
Undescended testis or ________ is failure of one or both of the testicles to descend into the scrotum. Increased risk of cancer later. Cryptorchism
_______ is a fluid in the tunica vaginalis. It is a non tender, serous fluid mass in the layered hollow membrane adjacent to testis. Usually develops due to irritation. Hydrocele
A epididymal cyst or _____ is usually painless. It is a fluid-filled epididymal mass that contains pus. Spermatocele
Local inflammatory conditions of the rectum include dilated veins of the ________ plexus along with longitudinal tears about he anus or ____ _____. hemmorrhoid plexus Anal fissures
______ _______ are longitudinal slits near the pectinate line. they may bleed or get infected. A fistula may develop which is a canal inside out where feces can travel through. Anal Fissure
______ __________ is a rectal or anal spasm characterzed by pain and sensation of urgency. Local inflammatory conditions may cause this. It may be associated with prostatitis and resulting perirectal inflammation. Rectal Tenesmus
Rock hard stool/fecal impaction is common in elderly. _______, __________, _______, less food, and less physical activity might contribute to this. Diarrhea might happen pushing around the impaction. Medication, diet, dehydration
Loose blood stool is _________ coupled with high motility. ______ _________ is a common cause. Ulceration ulcerative collitis
__________ are itchy, burn, and commonly bleed while passing bm. Fissures may itch and burn as well. Hemorrhoids
_______ ________ are dilated hemorrhoidal veins. Worse with high intraabdominal pressure or vascular obstruction. Thrombosed hemorrhoids
_______ ______ ____ are from earlier thrombosed hemorrhoids and look like a skin tag. Hemorrhoidal skin tags
_______ is a secondary skin change from scratching. From severe itching about the anus _______ ____. Causes include pinworms, hemorrhoids, fungal overgrowth. Excoriation pruritus ani
______ ________ is a fistula or pit in the sacral region. Communicates with the exterior. Contains hair which may act as a foreign body irritant producing chronic inflammation. Pilonidal Sinus
Fresh blood in the stool that is bright red might be a condition at the terminal protion of the GI tract. ________, ____ _______ or ________ _________. Hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer
Blood in the stool that is hidden is _______ blood. It cannot be seen with the naked eye. Common causes are _____ and _______ _____. Occult blood poplyps and colon cancer
_________ or older blood in the stool looks tarry and black. It is from proximal gut bleeding. It is from gastric or duodenal ulcers. Melena
Change in stool caliber when it becomes pencil like it can be _______ _______. Intermittent thin stools in spastic colon or ___. Rectal Cancer IBS
_____ ______ is involuntary loss of fecal material. Grand mal seizures, cauda equina lesions, advanced diabetes mellitus, and other neurla involvements. Fecal Incontinence
Rectal lumps or protrusions can be hemorrhoids, _______ _______ (Fistula), ________, or _______ (if pedunculated). Anomalous tract (Fistula) fissure Polyp (if pedunculated)
______ _____ are any mass of tissue that buldge or project outward or upward from the normal surface. Macroscopically visible as a hemispheroidal, spheroidal, or irregular moundlike structure. Broad base=_________, pedunctulated = ______ on a _____. Rectal Polyps Broad base sessile Pedunculated polyp on a stalk
______ _______ _______ is a broad based polyp with villi like projections. High Malignant potential. Villous Adenoma Polyp
The second most common malignancy effecting both sexes is ______ cancer. This is follow by the number one malignancy being ______ cancer. colon number 2 lung number 1
Colon cancer may bleed, has a greater risk over age __, and is more likely to develop in large broad based polyps. 50
_______ ______ _______/______ is benign enlargement of the prostate. Glandular and stromal hyperplasia. Increased mass may increasingly obstruct the urethra. Benign prostatic hypertrophy/hyperplasia
_________/_______ is inflammation of the prostate. Organisms may be transmitted by sexual activity. By that they work their way back through the vas deferens. Prostatis/prostatosis
________ _______ pain is from distention or irritation to the renal capsule. Patients describe constant type pain at the costovertebral angle or flank. Kidney parenchymal pain
Causes of kidney pain include kidney infection _________, acute glomerulonephritis, acute ______ ________, and acute obstruction. kidney infection is pyelonephritis acute renal
Renal colic or ureteral pain is waves of pain from sudden ureteral distention. It is felt in the flank groin, and testicle. The pain moves as the _______ moves. Stone
Bladder inflammation is ________. Usually due to infection E coli. Sexually active females have the highest risk. Frequency, urgency and dysuria are all symptoms. Cystitis
Benign causes of hematuria are ______ , infection, and ________. Malignant causes are ____ cancer or _______ cancer. Urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis bladder and kidney cancer
Renal concentrating problems results in _________. polyuria
______ is increased rate of urine production. It is not the same as frequency. A common cause is _______. Polyuria diabetes
_______ _________ is osmotic from excess glucose int he urine. ____ _________ is lack of ADH. Both cause polyuria. Diabetes mellitus Diabetes Insipidus
______ is absence of urine production. The inability to produce more than 250 ml of urine per day. This means more toxins will be circulating in your body. Anuria
________ is inadequate production or secretion of urine. Usually less than 400 ml in a 24 hour period. oliguria
_______ is excessive urination at night. Older males might have prostatic hypertrophy causing this. Nocturia
________ is difficulty, pain, or burning sensation with urination. Dysuria
_______ is blood in urine. Hamaturia
________ is presence of white pus cells in uring. Pyuria
_______ is any involuntary urination. Especailly during sleep. Common underlying problems include _______, overactive bladder, cystitis, neruogenic bladder, sleep disordered breathing. Common in childhood Enuresis Diabetes
________ ________ describes the changes to the urinary tracts due to obstruction. Prostate obstruction causes obstructive changes to both upper tracts for example. Obstructive uropathy.
________ is irritant dermatitis occurring between fold or juxtaposed surfaces of the skin. Happens due to overgrowth of resident microorganismsBetween the buttock or scrotum and thigh. common in babies and obese people. Intertrigo
Unilateral swollen hard non-tender lymph nodes think _______ cancer
________ is a soft chancre. It is highly infectious, nonsyphilitic venereal ulcer of the genital region caused by the bacillus haemophilus ducreyi. Discharge is typically clear. Chancroid
________ _______ is the most common sexually transmissible disease. Any of severeal common often asymptomatic, sexually trasmitted diseased caused by the microorganism ________ trachomatis. Causes nonspecific urethritis in men. Chalmydia urethritis Chalmydia trachomatis
_______ _______ is painful clustered vesicles that crust later on genitals. A recurrent viral disease caused by _ __ virus. Genital Herpes Herpes Simplex Virus
_______ (________ ________) is profuse purulent discharge typically pale green. Gonorrhea (gonococcal urethritis)
________ is a primary lesion of ________. Begins at the site of infection after an interval of 10 to 30 days as a papule or area of infiltration. No pain but feels very hard. Syphilis Syhpilis Chancre
___ ___ of syphilis is a secondary syphilitic eruption of flat topped papules. This occurs in groups covered by a necrotic layer of epithelial cells. Severete a seropurulent fluid. Often found at the anus and wherever contiguous folds of skin produce heat Condyloma lata of syphilis
______ _____ (__________ _________) are due to sexual contact with infection by HPV. A contagious projecting warty growth on the external genitals or at the anus. These are usually benign. Malignant change can happen. Venereal warts (Condyloma acuminatum)
Small bilateral testes is _______ or ______ ______. hypoplasia or hormonal atrophy
_______ is dilation of the pampiniform plexus that causes a lot of heat. Feels like a Bag of Worms. Varicocele
Created by: T1NWHSU



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