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Drugs - MOA

Physostigmine Indirect cholenergic ag
Neostigmine Indirect cholenergic ag
Pyridostigmine Indirect cholenergic ag
Edrophonium Indirect cholenergic ag
Tacrine Indirect cholenergic ag
Donepezil Indirect cholenergic ag
Galantamine Indirect cholenergic ag
Rivastigmine Indirect cholenergic ag
Sarin Indirect cholenergic ag
2 Pam Indirect cholenergic ag
Tabun Indirect cholenergic ag
Soman Indirect cholenergic ag
Parathion Indirect cholenergic ag
Diazinon Indirect cholenergic ag
Dimpylate Indirect cholenergic ag
Malathion Indirect cholenergic ag
Atropine M anti (N)
Scopolamine M anti
Ipratropium M anti
Tiotropium M anti
tolterodine M anti
Oxybutynin M anti
Solifenacine M anti - S
Darifenacin M anti - s
Benztropin M anti
Trihexyphenidyl M anti
Pirenzipine M anti
D tubocrarie Nm Anti
Succinylcholine Nm Anti
Pancuronium Nm Anti
Doxacurium Nm Anti
-curium Nm Anti
Hexamethonium Nn Anti
Mecamylamine Nn Anti
Alpha bungarotoxin Cholinergic anti - N
Decamethacol Nm Anti
Botox M Anti
Metacholine M Anti
Mg M Anti
B Bungarotoxin Enhance M
Black Widow Enhance M
Hemicholinium Stop Synthesis Ach
Vesamicol Stop Synthesis Ach
Ach M Ag
Nic M Ag
Carbachol M Ag
Bethanechol M Ag - S
Pilocarpine M Ag
Arecholine M Ag
Muscrine M Ag
Acetazolamide Diuretic - Proximal CA
-olamide Diuretic - Proximal CA
Furosemide Diuretic - Loop
Bumetanide Diuretic - Loop
Torsemide Diuretic - Loop
Ethacrynic Diuretic - Loop
Bendroflumethazide Diuretic - Thiazide
Chlorothazide Diuretic - Thiazide
-thazide Diuretic - Thiazide
Chlorthalidone Diuretic - Thiazide like
Metaliazone Diuretic - Thiazide like
Indapimide Diuretic - Thiazide like
Amiloride Diuretic - K sparing
Triamterene Diuretic - K sparing
Spironolactone Diuretic - Aldo
Eplerenone Diuretic - Aldo
Mannitol Diuretic - Osmotic
Glycerin Diuretic - Osmotic
Isosorbide Diuretic - Osmotic
Urea Diuretic - Osmotic
Albuterol B2 Ag
Levalbuterol B2 Ag
Metaproternol B2 Ag
Pirbuterol B2 Ag
Salmeterol Long B2 Ag
Formoterol Long B2 Ag
Ipratropium Theophylline Asthma - B2
Omalizilmab Asthma - anti IgE
Cromolyn Asthma - Stabilize Mast
Histrionicotoxin Nm Anti
Phencyclidine Nm Anti
Nedocromil Asthma - Stabilize Mast
Beclomethasone Asthma - Corticosteroid
Budesonide Asthma - Corticosteroid
Flunisolide Asthma - Corticosteroid
Fluticasone Asthma - Corticosteroid
Mometasone Asthma - Corticosteroid
Triamcinoline Asthma - Corticosteroid
Zileuton Asthma - Anti 5 lipoxgenes
Montelukast Asthma - Anti LTA 4
Zafirlukast Asthma - Anti LTA 4, Cox 1
Epi Ag - Alpha 1,2 Beta 1,2
NE Ag - Alpha 1,2 Beta 1
Iso Ag - Beta 1,2
Phenylepherine Ag - Alpha 1
Clonidine Ag - Alpha 2
Dobutiamine Ag - Beta 1
Terbutaline Ag - Beta 2
Phenoxybenzamine Anti - Alpha 1,2
Phentolamine Anti - Alpha 1,2
Prazosine Anti - Alpha 1
Yohimbine Anti - Alpha 2
Propranolol Anti - Beta 1,2
Metoprolol Anti - Beta 1
Butoxamine Anti - Beta 2
Aliskiren Renin
-pril ACEI
-sartan ARB
Alpha Methyldopa Sympatholytic
Clonidine Sympatholytic
Apraconidine Sympatholytic
Brimonidine Sympatholytic
Guanabenz Sympatholytic
Guanfacine Sympatholytic
Rilmenidine Sympatholytic
Reserpine Sympatholytic
Diltazem Benzothiazepines
Verapamil Phenylalkylamines
DHP Dihydropyridines
Diazoxide Direct Vasodialators
Minoxidil Direct Vasodialators
Hydralaxine Direct Vasodialators
Nitroprusside Direct Vasodialators
Prazosin Alpha 1 Anti
-osin Alpha 1 Anti
Ketanserin Alpha 1 Anti
Urapadil Alpha 1 Anti
Tamsulosin Alpha 1 Anti
Labetalol Carvedilol Alpha 1 Anti, BB
Nitrate _____ Nitrate
Sidenafil Nitrate
Tadelafil Nitrate
Vardenafil Nitrate
Ezetmibe Cholesterol Absorp Inhibit
Fenofibrate Fibrate
Tricor Fibrate
Gemfibrozil Fibrate
Nadolol BB - N
Penbutolol BB - N
Pindolol BB - N
Propranlol BB - N
Sotolol BB - N
Timolol BB - N
Acebutolol B1 B - S
Atenolol B1 B - S
Bisoprolol B1 B - S
Esmolol B1 B - S
Metoprolol B1 B - S
Cartelol 3 BB
Carvedilol 3 BB
Labetalol 3 BB
Betaxolol 3 BB
Amiodarone Anti Arrhythmic - K blockers
Ibutitlide Anti Arrhythmic - K blockers
Dofetilide Anti Arrhythmic - K blockers
Sotolol Anti Arrhythmic - K blockers
Adenosine Anti Arrhythmic
Digitalis Anti Arrhythmic
Phenytoin Anti Arrhythmic
Moricizine Anti Arrhythmic
Mg Sulfate Anti Arrhythmic
Warfarin Glycoside
Ketorolac Migrane Propylaxis
Created by: deann
Popular Pharmacology sets




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