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Industrial Rev.

Ch 19 Industrial Revolution

Second Industrial Revolution A period of rapid growth in the U.S. manufacturing in the late 1800s
Bessemer Process A way to manufacture steel quickly by blasting hot air through melted iron to quickly remove impurities
Patents Exclusive rights to make or sell inventions
Corporations Businesses that sell portions of ownership called stock shares
Trust A number of companies under the same board of directors
Social Darwinism “survival of the fittest” theory decided which human beings would succeed in business and life
monopoly Total ownership of a product or service
Sherman Anti-trust Act A law that made it illegal to create monopolies or trusts that restrained trade
Knights of Labor Secret society that became the First National Labor Union • 8 hour workday • Equal pay for equal work • End of child labor
American Federation of Labor (AFL) An organization that united skilled workers into national unions for specific industries only
Collective Bargaining All workers acting together had a much greater chance of negotiating (bargaining) a deal
Thomas Edison inventor most well known for inventing the light bulb and establishing power plants in NY City
Alexander Graham Bell Well known for inventing the telephone
Henry Ford Founder of Ford Motor company, he created the moving assembly line and the first American automobile
Wilbur and Orville Wright Pioneers in the field of aviation known for creating the first gas-powered airplane.
Andrew Carnegie Made millions in the steel making industry
John D. Rockefeller Made his fortune in the oil business
Homestead Strike A labor union strike at Carnegie's Steel Factory in PA, violence between strikers and private detective (police)
Pullman Strike Railroad Strike that only ended when Grover Cleveland sent in to troops
Created by: Sandberg
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