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P1 Pharmacoeconomics

Define Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) A method used to evaluate two or more alternatives where the input and outcomes are measured in dollars
Define Cost-utility analysis (CUA) A method used to evaluate two or more alternatives where the input is measured in dollars and the outcome is measured as life-years saved or patient-preference weighted outcome.
Define Cost-minimization analysis (CMA) A method used to evaluate two or more alternatives where the inputs are measured in dollars and the consequences or outcomes of the alternatives are identical.
Define Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) A method used to evaluate two or more alternatives where the inputs are measured in dollars and the outcome is measured in natural units of effectiveness
What is sensitivity analysis? An analysis that considers how dependent the outcomes are to the value of the inputs
CBA is what ratio? Benefits : Costs
CBA = 1 means Benefits = Costs
CBA > 1 means Benefits are greater than costs
How does cost minimization differ from cost analysis? Cost analysis only considers input costs; cost-minimization considers which costs less to accomplish the SAME outcome.
Which type of analysis answers the question, "How many dollars of outcomes (benefits) is received for each dollar of inputs?" Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)
Which type of analysis seeks to answer the question "Which of the various costs impact my particular situation?" Cost-consequence analysis
Which type of analysis seeks to answer the question "Which alternative is least costly to achieve the same outcome?" Cost-Minimization Analysis
Which type of analysis answers the question, "What is the ratio of $ value of benefits per dollar of program?" Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)
Which type of analysis answers the question, "Which alternative provides the greatest benefits for $1 of costs?" Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)
Which type of analysis answers the question, "Which of the alternative programs (drugs) will provide the greatest outcome for the least cost?" Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA)
Which type of analysis answers the question, "Considering the preferences of the patient, which of the alternatives provides the greatest QALY per dollars of cost?" Cost-Utility Analysis (CUA)
What are the requirements to perform a Cost-minimization Analysis? Equally effective outcomes
What are intangible costs? Costs associated with "pain and suffering" resulting from the treatment itself
Which type of analysis seeks to answer the question "Which alternative intervention provides the greatest Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY)?" Cost-Utility Analysis (CUA)
What is the first step in pharmacoeconomic analysis? Define the problem and state the objective to be accomplished
What kind of cost is the pharmacist's salary and benefits? Direct
The costs of Cost-minimization analysis (CMA) are measured in __________. Dollars
The costs of Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) are measured in __________. Dollars
The costs of Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) are measured in __________. Dollars
The costs of Cost-b are utility analysis (CUA) are measured in __________. Dollars
The costs of Cost-consequence analysis (CCA) are measured in __________. Dollars
The consequences of Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) are measured in __________. Dollars
The consequences of Cost-consequence analysis (CCA) are measured in __________. Dollars or QALYs
Easy or hard to measure: Death Easy
Easy or hard to measure: Relief or reduction in symptoms Easy, the patient can say if they feel better
Easy or hard to measure: A cure Easy, you can see if the treatment has worked or not
Easy or hard to measure: No effect Either / or, but may take time
QALYs = what? Extra years of Life X QOL (Quality of Life) adjustment
True or False: If net present value analysis rate increases from 6% to 8% and all other variables are held the same, the dollar amount of net present value increases. False
Easy or hard to measure: Improved quality of life Hard, based on perspective
Easy or hard to measure: Extended life Hard, it is only an estimate
Easy or hard to measure: Increased morbidity Hard, takes time to analyze
Easy or hard to measure: Decreased incidence of morbidity Hard, takes time to make that assessment
What is the third step in pharmacoeconomic analysis? Identify and measure the outcomes of each of all alternatives.
What is the fifth step in pharmacoeconomic analysis? Identify cost elements
What is the second step in pharmacoeconomic analysis? Identify the perspective and alternative interventions.
What is the fourth step in pharmacoeconomic analysis? Identify, measure and value the costs of all alternatives.
What kind of cost is the monthly rent for the pharmacy? Indirect
What kind of cost is loss of work due to drug side effects? Intangible
CBA < 1 means Less benefits than costs
What is the sixth step in pharmacoeconomic analysis? Measure and value costs
The consequences of Cost-minimization analysis (CMA) are measured in __________. Natural units
The consequences of Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) are measured in __________. Natural units
The consequences of Cost-b are utility analysis (CUA) are measured in __________. Quality-adjusted Life Years (QALYs)
What are direct costs? Resources that are directly related to the product or service
Define Pharmacoeconomics The evaluation of the inputs and outcomes associated with pharmaceuticals or pharmacy services.
What is opportunity cost? The value of a resource in its next best use.
What are indirect costs? Those costs that are "indirectly" associate with the product or service
What is the purpose of discounting? To determine the present value of all costs and to incorporate society's time preference for money.
True or False: Cost minimization and cost effectiveness analysis are reported in dollar output measures. True
True or False: If net present value analysis rate increases from 6% to 8% and all other variables are held the same, the dollar amount of net present value decreases. True
True or False: Cost effectiveness considers different outcomes between the alternatives but most common minimization requires the same outcomes. True
True or False: Cost minimization may be used only when the alternatives have the same outcome. True
What question does cost-effectiveness analysis seek to answer? Which of the alternative interventions can achieve the best outcome at the lowest input cost.
Being able to work at your career or financial stability would be an example of what in regards to quality of life? Economic and/or Vocational Status and Related Factors
What are the requirements to perform a Cost-benefits Analysis? Benefits must be valued in $'s
What are the requirements to perform a Cost-effectiveness Analysis? Outcomes in extra years of life or success rates
What are the requirements to perform a Cost-utility Analysis? Outcomes in extra years of life or success rates, plus preferences index of quality
How are outcomes measured in Cost-minimization Analysis? Natural units (often dollars)
How are outcomes measured in Cost-benefits Analysis? Only dollars
How are outcomes measured in Cost-effectiveness Analysis? $'s per extra year of life or successful case
How are outcomes measured in Cost-utility Analysis? $'s per QALY
Which analysis would be used to choose the best drug among three that have generally the same therapeutic outcome with varying side effect profiles? Cost-utility analysis (CUA)
Quality of Life (QOL) measures ___________ in clinical trials of medications and medical procedures. Efficacy
What are the four domains of the quality of life? 1. Physical status and functional ability; 2. Psychological status and well-being; 3. Social interaction; 4. Economic and/or vocational status and related factors
Walking unaided or personal hygiene would be an example of what in regards to quality of life? Physical status and functional ability
Feeling anxious, restless, fearful, or optimistic, would be an example of what in regards to quality of life? Psychological status and well-being
Being able to conduct a conversation or recognize friends would be an example of what in regards to quality of life? Social Interaction
Created by: con8iv
Popular Pharmacology sets




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