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SAT 14

Ascetic without luxuries; severely simple
Coercion force
Diurnal active in daytime
Fortuitous happening by chance
Meticulous very careful; painstaking
Pejorative derogatory
Puerile childish
Sporadic not continuous; intermittent
Verbose talkative; long-winded; rambling
Assiduous thorough; diligent
Divert 1. entertain; 2. distract; 3. cause a detour
Fractious irritable; difficult to control
Inscrutable mysterious; impenetrable
Mettle courage; bravery; valor
Pellucid transparently clear
Punctilious paying attention to small details
Spurious false
Verbosity using too many words
Assuage to calm
Cogitate think over something; ponder
Docile gentle and easily lead
Fraudulent fake; false
Insentient unfeeling
Milieu environment
Purloin steal
Stagnant still; not moving
Vertigo dizziness
Astute perceptive; sharp-witted
Collage picture made from fragments of other pictures
Frivolous not serious
Insipid dull; bland; boring
Mire swamp; muddy ground
Penury poverty
Pusillanimous cowardly
Staid dull; sober; serious
Vestigial not developed
Collate arrange in order
Dolt stupid person
Frugal economical; not wasting anything
Instigate to start; provoke
Created by: klug
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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