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Lesson 6 AW

acquiesce to consent without protest; to comply passively
amiable friendly; disposed; good-natured; socialbe
cantankerous disagreeable; quarrelsome; ill-tempered; crabby
capitulate to surrender; to give in; to stop resisting; to give up
copious plentiful;having or giving ample supply; abundant
delusion false belief or opinion, sometimes as a symptom of mental illness
diligent careful and persevering in carrying out tasks; showing care and perseverance
efface to erase; wipe out; rub out
equivocal of uncertain meaning; open to multiple interpretations; ambiguous
eradicate to root up; to get ride of as if by uprooting; to eliminate; to obliterate
erroneous mistaken; incorrect; containing a mistake or based on error
extraneous not essential; irrelevant; coming from outside; superfluous
frugal costing little; thrifty; showing economy; careful in use of resources
futile having no effective result, pointless, unsuccessful
hiatus gap; interruption; pause; break; intermission
inadvertent without attention; unintentional
innate existing from birth; inborn; no learned
jocular characterized by joking and good humor; a tendency to make fun
judicious showing a good judgment; perceeding from good judgment
notoriety the situation of being known for something unfavorable; having a bad reputation
oracle source of wisdom; originally divine
osmosis diffusion of fluid though a semi-permeable membrane
perfunctory done with little or interest or care
portent indication of a future event, an omen
prosaic matter-of-fact; lacking imagination or inspiration; dull
protract to draw out; prolong
redolent aromatic; fragrant; suggestive
retribution recompense that is deserved; punishment that is deserved, revenge
sedulous persevering; diligent; with constant effort or application
strident loud or harsh; urgent; clamorous; calling attention
Created by: mapraschak
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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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