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MT Test 2 Midterm

MT Midterm (Chapters 1-6)

-algia pain and suffering
dys- difficult, painful or bad
-ectomy surgical removal
hyper- over, above or increased
hypo- below, under or decreased
-itis inflammation
-osis a disease or abnormal condition
-otomy a surgical incision
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhage/-rrhagia sudden abnormal or excessive flow
-rrhaphy to suture or stitch
-rrhexis rupture
-sclerosis abnormal hardening
arteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
gastr/o stomach
-malacia abnormal softening
-megaly large or enlargement
myel/o spinal cord or bone marrow
my/o muscle
-necrosis tissue death
neur/o nerve
-ology study of
-pathy disease
-stenosis abnormal narrowing
-ostomy creation of an artificial opening to the body surface
diff Dx differential diagnosis
Inflam Inflammation
Aden/o gland
Carcin/o cancerous
Chondr/o cartilage
-oma tumor
A- or An- without
Genetic Disorders pathologic conditions caused by absent or defective genes
Endemic ongoing presence of a disease within a population (Ex: the common cold)
Epidemic sudden/widespread outbreak of a disease within a specific population group or area (Ex: measles)
Pandemic outbreak of disease occurring over a large geographic area or worldwide (Ex: AIDS)
Functional disease symptoms for which no physiological/anatomical cause can be identified (Ex: irritable bowel syndrome)
Iatrogenic illness unfavorable response to medical treatment (Ex: side effects from medication)
Idiopathic disease illness without known cause (Ex: Crohn’s disease)
Infectious disease caused by living pathogenic organisms (Ex: flu)
Nosocomial Infection infection acquired in a hospital or clinical setting
Organic Disirder caused by detectable physical changes in the body (Ex: Diabetes)
Congenital Disorder abnormal condition that exists at the time of birth
-ologist specialist
CD communicable disease
P physiology or posterior
CF Cystic Fibrosis
PKU Phenylketonuria
Cost/o rib
Kyph/o hump
Lord/o swayback curve/bent backward
Oste/o bone
Spondyl/o vertebrae (backbone)
-lysis loosening / setting free (therapeutic) or breaking down/destruction (diseased condition)
Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) used to treat certain types of cancers (leukemia
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) joint inflammation caused by the body’s immune system attacking its own joint tissues
Osteoarthritis (OA) bone/joint inflammation caused by “wear-and-tear” of cartilage at the joints
Kyphosis abnormal increase of the outward curvature of the spine (humpback)
Lordosis abnormal increase of the forward curvature (swayback)
Scoliosis abnormal lateral curvature of the spine (sideways)
Comminuted fracture (Fx) bone is splintered/crushed into pieces
Greenstick fracture (Fx) bone is bent/partially broken (usually in children)
Open fracture (Fx) bone is broken out to the surface of the skin
Spiral fracture (Fx) bone is broken by a twisting motion (usually in sports injuries)
Stress fracture (Fx) small crack in the bone from overuse or chronic/excessive impact
BMT Bone Marrow Transplant
Fx Fracture
OA Osteoarthritis
Brady- slow
Tachy- fast
-cele hernia
-desis bind/tie together; surgical suturing
-emia blood condition
-ia condition
-ic pertaining to
CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
prog prognosis
A anterior
ADL Activities of Daily Living
RT Related To
sign objective evidence of a disease
symptom patient reported (subjective) evidence of diease
diagnosis (Dx) the identification of disease
prognosis (prog) the prediction or probable course/outcome of a disease
infection invasion of the body by pathogens
inflammation (inflam) localized response to an injury or destruction of tissues
remission temporary/partial or complete disappearance of the symptoms of disease without achieving a cure
Angi/o or Vascul/o blood vessel
Ather/o fatty plaque or substance
Cardi/o or Card/o heart
Cyt/o or -cyte cell
Erythr/o red
Hem/o or Hemat/o blood
Leuk/o white
Phleb/o vein
Thromb/o clot
-gram picture or record
-graphy process of recording
-lytic to destroy
-penia deficiency
Endo- within
Epi- above/upon
Peri- surrounding
Erythrocytes Red (blood) cell- carry oxygen
Leukocytes White (blood) cell- fight infection
Thrombocytes Clotting cell (Platelet)- clot blood
Angina episode of severe chest pain due to inadequate blood flow to the myocardium
Myocardial Infarction (MI) episode where there is a total blockage of blood flow to the myocardium
Thrombus blood clot attached to the wall of a blood vessel (stationary)
Embolus foreign object (blood clot/air/tissue/fat/tumor) that circulates in the blood vessels (traveling)
Cardiac Arrest when the heart abruptly stops or develops an abnormal rhythm that prevents it from pumping blood
Atrial Fibrillation (A-fib) rapid/irregular/uncontrolled heartbeat originating from the atria
Ventricular Fibrillation (V-fib) rapid/irregular/uncontrolled heartbeat originating from the ventricles
Arrhythmia abnormality or loss of normal rhythm in the heartbeat
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses potentially life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias
Defibrillation shock that stops fibrillation, allowing the heart to reestablish a normal rhythm
A-Fib atrial fibrillation
chol cholesterol
CAD coronary artery disease
EKG or ECG electrocardiogram
MI myocardial infarction
V-fib ventricular vibrillation
Allergist specialist in allergic reactions
Antigen any substance that the body sees as being foreign
Allergen any substance that produces an allergic reaction
Allergy overreaction by the body to a particular antigen
Anaphylaxis a severe response to an allergen
Immunologist specialist in the immune system
Autoimmune Disorder condition in which the immune system produces antibodies against its own tissues
Immunodeficiency Disorder condition in which the immune response in compromised
Immunotherapy treatment of the immune system (involves stimulating the immune response)
Immunosuppressant type of medication that prevents/reduces the body’s normal immune response
Oncologist specialist in the prevention/causes/ treatments of tumors and cancer
Tumor abnormal mass of tissue with uncontrolled cell multiplication
Benign not life-threatening
Malginant potentially life-threatening
Cancer class of diseases with uncontrolled cell multiplication and the ability of these cells to invade other tissues
Metastasize process by which cancer spreads
Metastasis change beyond control (new cancer site that results from the spreading process)
Anti- against
Lymphaden/o lymph node
Lymphangi/o lymph vessel
Lymph/o lymph
Lymphocyt/o white blood cell
Sarc/o flesh
-genesis creation or reproduction
Tox/o or -toxic poison
T-Lymphocytes produced in the Thymus; phagocytes (cells that eat)
B-Lymphocytes antibodies (immunoglobulins)
Crani/o skull
Dors/o back of body
Kines/o movement
Laryng/o throat
Ot/o ear
Poster/o behind, toward the back
Rhin/o nose
Ten/Tendin/o tendon
Ton/o tone, tension, stretching
Ventr/o in front, belly side of body
-clasis break down
-paresis partial or incomplete paralysis
-plegia full paralysis
-Hemi- half
aneurysm localized weak spot or balloon-like enlargement of an arterial wall
hypertension high blood pressure
hypotension low blood pressure
abd abdomen
ant anterior
D dorsal
FMS fibromyalgia syndrome
hemi hemiplegia
MD Muscular Dystrophy
MS Multiple Sclerosis
quad quadraplegic
ventr ventral
Created by: vorachekt
Popular Medical sets




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