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Care of the Surgical Patient

Ablation An amputation of excision of any part of the body or removal of a growth or harmful substance.
Anethesia An unawareness/feeling of pain
Atelectasis An abnormal condition characterized by the collapse of lung tissue
Cachexia Ill health, malnutrition, and wasting as a result of chronic disease
Catabolism Tissue breakdown
Dehiscence The seperation of a surgical or rupture of a wound closure
Drainage The removal of fluids from a body cavity, wound, or other source
Embolus A dislodged thrombus
Evisceration The protrusion of an internal organ through a wound r surgical incision
Exudates Substances that have slowly seeped from cells or blood vessels through small pores or breaks in cell membranes
Incentive spirometry (IS) A respiratory device used at the bedside at regular intervals to encourage the patient to breathe deeply
Incision Cuts produced surgically by a sharp instrument to create an opening into an organ or space in the body
Infarct A localized area of necrosis
Informed Consent Permission obtained from the patient to perform a specific test or procedure
Palliative Therapy designed to relieve or reduce intensity of uncomfortable symptoms without cure
Singultus An involuntary contraction of the diaphragm followed by rapid closure of the glottis (hiccup)
Surgical Asepsis Protection against infection before, during, or after surgery by the use of sterile technique
Thrombus An accumulation of platelets, fibrin, clotting factors, and cellular elements of the blood attached to the wall of a vessel
Name 3 admission status types Ambulatory (outpatient), Same-day admit, and Inpatient
Name 7 influencing factors for perioperative nursing Age, Physical Condition, Nutritional factors, Psychosocial needs, socioeconomic and cultural needs, medications and education and experience
What is a short stay unit? department or floor where a patients stay does not exceed 24 hours
What does outpatient mean? patient, not hospitalized, who is being treated; individual is admitted either to a short-stay unit or directly to the surgical suite
What is a short-stay surgical center? (surgicenter) independently owned agency; surgery performed when overnight hospitalization is not required
What requires that a patient provide informed consent before having a specific test or surgery? Patient Bill of Rights
What is established by the patient's signing the consent form? The patient is competent and agrees to have procedure that is stated on consent form
What four elements are required information provided to the patient before a procedure? (1)Information is to be clear (2) the risks explained (3) Expected benefits identified (4) consequences or alternatives for the presenting problem stated
By signing the consent, to what has the witness attested? Verifying that this is the person who signed the consent and that it was a voluntary consent.
Under what circumstances should informed consent NOT be obtained? If patient is disoriented, unconscious, mentally incompetent, or under the influence of sedatives.
What is done in the event of an emergency when the patient is unable to give informed consent? Every effort to locate family members to assume this reponsiblility. Occasionally telephone permission may be obtained. With verbal consent follow hospital guidelines.
What should be done if the patient does not understand the procedure or reports discrepancies from what he was told by the physician? Allow additional time to explain procedure; interpreter may be necessary. Contact the physician and indicate that the patient does NOT understand procedure.
Classifications of surgical procedure according to: SERIOUSNESS are (2)? Major and Minor
Classifications of surgical procedure according to: URGENCY are (3) Elective, Urgent and Emergency
Classifications of surgical procedure according to: PURPOSE are(6) Diagnostic, Ablation, Constructive, Reconstructive, Palliative and Transplant
Example of "MAJOR" surgical procedures? (description) Involves extensive reconstruction or alteration in body parts; poses great risks to well-being (i.e.: coronary artery bypass, colon resection, gastric resection)
Example of "MINOR" surgical procedures? (description) Involves minimal alteration in body parts; often designed to correct deformities; involves minimal risks compared with those of major procedures (i.e.: cataract extraction, skin graft, tooth extraction)
Example of "ELECTIVE" surgical procedures? (description) Performed on basis of patient's choice (i.e.: bunionectomy, plastic surgery)
Example of "URGENT" surgical procedures? (description) Necessary for patient's health(i.e.: excision of cancerous tumor, removal of gallbladder for stones, vascular repair for obstructed artery (ie:coronary artery bypass)
Example of "EMERGENCY" surgical procedures? (description) Must be done immediately to save life or preserve function of body part (i.e.: perforated appendix, repair of traumatic amputation, control of internal hemorrhaging)
Example of "DIAGNOSTIC" surgical procedures? (description) Surgical exploration that allows physician to confirm diagnosis; may involve removal of tissue for further diagnostic testing (i.e.: exploratory laparotomy, breast mass biopsy)
Example of "ABLATION" surgical procedures? (description) Excision or removal of diseased body part (i.e.: removal of appendix, amputation, cholecystecomy)
Example of "CONSTRUCTIVE" surgical procedures? (description) Restores function lost or reduced as result of congenital anomalies (i.e.: repair of cleft palate, closure of atrial-septal defect in heart)
Example of "RECONSTRUCTIVE" surgical procedures? (description) Restores function or appearance to traumatized or malfunctioning of tissue (i.e.: internal fixation of fractures, scar revision, breast reconstuction)
Example of "TRANSPLANT" surgical procedures? (description) Replaces malfuntioning organs (i.e.: cornea, hearts, joints, kidney)
Example of "PALLIATIVE" surgical procedures? (description) Relieves or reduces intensity of disease symptoms; will not produce cure (i.e.: colostomy, debridement of necrotic tissue)
Anastomosis Surgica joining of two ducts or blood vessels to allow flow from one to another; to bypass an area
-ectomy Surgical removal of
Lysis Destruction of dissolution of
-orrhaphy Surgical repair of
-oscopy Direct visualization by a scpe
-ostomy Opening is made to allow the passage of drainage
-pexy Fixation of
-plasty Plastic surgery
What does "Inpatient" mean? Patient hospitalized for surgery
What does "One-day (same-day surgery) mean? Patient is admitted the day surgery is scheduled and dismissed the same day
What are the 3 phases of Perioperative Nursing? Preopertative, intraopertative, and postpertative
What 3 catagories is LATEX classified into? Irritant reaction and types IV and I allergic reactions
Which one is the true allergic reaction? (latex) Type I allergic reaction
What is Type IV allergic reaction? (latex) a cell-mediated response to the chemical irritants found in latex products
Factors influencing the diagnosis of risk for latex allergies are? the person's susceptability and the route, duration and frequency of latex exposure
What is Type I allergic reaction? (latex) an IgE-mediated systemic reaction that occurs when latex proteins are touched, inhaled or ingested
What are the 4 primary purposes for an IS (Incentive Spirometer) (1) to prevent or treat atelectasis (2) to improve lung expansion (3) to improve oxygenation (4) to prevent postop pneumonia
Surgeries for which "coughing" is contraindicatiod or modified? Intracranial, eye, ear, nose, throat and spinal
Interventions associated with the ABCs of immediate recovery: A-AirwayB-BreathingC-ConsciousnessC-CirculationS-System review
Know how to teach and instruct patients on how to: turning, coughing, deep breathing and leg exercises
Created by: chulitachorty26
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