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MAT VocRev 11

miasma a depleting or corrupting influence or atmosphere
knave a sly, deceitful man or boy
rescind to take away; to remove
litigate to try in court; to contest in law
timorous fearful; timid ANTONYM: intrepid
quandary a state of confusion of doubt
genuflect to go down on one's knee; to kneel, usually in obedience or respect
discourse to converse; to discuss formally
intrepid fearless ANTONYM: timorous
whet to stimulate; to incite; to make more intense, especially an appetite
kindle to activate or inspire; to arouse
numismatist on who studies and collects coins and tokens
libertine a person who is not restrained by convention or morality
maverick a rebel; a nonconformist
prescience the anticipation of upcoming events; foresight
tepid moderately warm; lukemarm
bulbous rotund; round like a bulb
anneal to toughen or to strengthen
bibliophile one who loves books
phobia an inexplicable fear of something
adroit showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness
effervescent lively; bubbly ANTONYM: effete
debacle a violent breakdown; a sudden overthrow
brontophobia the fear of thunder
probity honesty; uprightness; rectitude
quisling a traitor
obdurate persistent; unyielding
naiad a water nymph
adulation excessive praise
umbrage (1) a feeling of offense or annoyance; (2) a shadow; a hint; a suspicion
catharsis purification of emotions, especially through art
petulant ill-tempered' irritable; fractious
precipitous steep
littoral relating to the shore or coastal region
savant one with detailed knowledge in a specialized field
misogynistic characterized by hatred of women
elucidate to shed light upon; to make clear
metamorphic referring to rock formed from sedimentary rock and changed through pressure or heat
antithesis the direct opposite
malignant evil; injurious; tending to produce death ANTONYM: benign
accolade an award or honor; high praise
gainsay to deny; to contradict
rookery a breeding place among rocks for mammals (e.g. seals) or birds
tactile perceptible by touch; tangible
foible a minor flaq or shortcoming in character; a weakness
peremptory precluding a right of action, delay, or debate; admitting or no contradiction
quittance a release from debt or obligation
colloquial of or relating to conversation; characteristic of informal speech
brook to bear or tolerate; to put up with
tangential touching only the edge; marginally relevant
Created by: markda714
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